Friday, December 19, 2008

(The Begining) [AKA] {Acrylic cheetoes dance in speedos while they wait to hear the vetos overshadowed by the neato....

...super awesome feats of me though i cant see beyond the trees so i think ima go and be mo ghetto fabulous and re-al straight up gangsta on the G-lo rape the earth and plant my seeds so deep under the dirty soi-l spash some water make a tree grow up into the clouds
where the rain falls
where the birds fly
where the planes fail
where the people die
they die in the sky
sily apes they tried to fly
heavens gates bitch smacked them down to meet their maker peter shouting give or take her head and the grounds split in four they opened the doors to hell the rebel yell cant save you now so wish upon a fairy maybe he can save you only if you carry your heart in a bag thats right said the fag and got struck by lightning from the sea possiden comes from you and me the ocean rages our bodys tear and spit fire into the abyss you thought you could miss it now your just pissed that i came first and gave the first birth and gave it to the hearth and smeared your ashes on my soul to make beautiful music i can hear it playing now i can hear it dying now the rise and fall of greatness comes early in life and is hidden in strife for all of your life so play me your fife little drummer boy youll play what i tell you so punch in your drum or ill punch you for fun because thats what i do you cant do what i do when i do what i do and do you know who can do who you did you didnt they disected you first into little sections they took their errections turned them into objects of pleasure that pleasure you cant measure till its gone like a feather and sewn back on to the back of a bird the bird can fly again so it can die again and rise from the flames of the ashes of someone elses burns and all the while it yearns to die again to live again so it can sing again and run again and escape from it all above the world the green down below looks red if your colorblind your colors mine i stole it so now you cant even see my blood it all looks green it blends in with the scene and i am one with the world for the world is mine and ill take it when i want you want it but i want you ill take you too dont wait for my verdict its negative in the first degree cant you see what you mean to me so dont be mean to me or ill be mean to you i mean it meanwhile ive been gone and returned to collect my debts but theyve all been repayed youve taken away my bonds that tied me too you i have to be true for i am the truth and i am the delitescent sooth under your flipant persiflage and when you connect the dots they spell out the word of mouth is the outlined hatred and frozen tounge that the pole tried to lick for lack of better thought and thirst of thickened tacky taughtness like the rope holding the weight of the moon anchored to the earth pulling away to escape reality in the higher places drowning in oxygen for the excess creates surpluss and cannot be regenerated through time ticking away you pay me a dime i just might rewind your mickey mouse watch so his tails on his head again instead of on his arm and you can try to unharness the powers of the mind but without questions there are no answers and with questions there is no thought no push to learn for yourself you learn from a belt with out one your pants fall down in public and your public pubic pub goes out of buisness because of sanitary complaints from the christian bookstore across the road and you hit a cross in the road and die because they wanted to tell you their mother died on that road because thats where they shot her her and her kids all three of them in a row screw in the flash cube and snap they shot her picture and put it on the wall of the church where everyone can see and pass by it everyday its so mundane they forget it because its right infront of them because they dont try to see when they close theyre eyes they try to sleep with the pillow underneath their heads they pretend that theyre deadbeats but than laugh in the face of the poor when they throw theyre checks at them in little pieces for they are rich they shout rich in love and noone has the money or the coins cleaned with a black soot covered cloth to get rid of the shine from the sun while it lasted i had fun in the sun with a tube top ripped down the middle from lifting my spirits with spirits i was a spirited fellow before i was mellow and got jaundice and turned yellow like a daffodil resting on a hill till someone gets in touch with nature and runs over it with their big nature friendly hiking boot because they cant stop and jog or theyll lose the race to get to the end but the end isnt in sight so they try and they fight and they struggle and sometimes they snuggle before making children they made them out of clay they tried to make them from dradels but they were to stiff and would break when you hit them or threw them against the floor and stomp on all the pieces until they go back into one and you can do it all over the love seat because thats what theyre for loving loving love and loving the act of love and the name of love which gives comands and halts progress into the past for once the past has stoped the present is gone and the future will never be and when you push play the sound still wont come on for a few seconds and you have those white bars of distortion over the picture that jump around and back and forth and up and up and up we go because we cant go back down not after what we found down there it was a horrible scare to stare into the face of pure goodness and confonting it only makes your heart seem blacker so you retreat into the darkness so you can glow amongst the darkness or maybe your just white and living in a black hood cuz you aint got it so good or maybe you just want to get shot up on the block so pop can sell his stock and stack his dough into the bank and stock up on live stock so you can eat and you can beat the virus that stole your life from you the poor victim who just stuck his dick in glade plugin to get rid of the smell that you create you infectuous waste full of trecherous haste and three ways to baste and roast and fry the meat that was cut from the tree of life so that death could live and grow and make the seeds that could be sewn into a quilt so we can burry our past and relive it in the future and deliver to the preacher the peaches and the nectars that we made with our own hand the other one was busy turning the pages in the book so we could keep up with the story and learn from people who never existed beyond the minds of those delusional enough to keep others in their minds and write them down and solidify them in ink bound to the page kept alive until the rage of the townspeople gets to much and they toss them into the burning vessel and set them out to sea where the giant whale swallows them before being shot by the hunter at sea and guted in the ocean so the fat and oils seeps into our sewers and back up through our pipes till it clogs our toilets and is analy digested threw our bodies and spit back out through our mouths as whatever the whale ate for breakfeast three months ago which happened to be a bowl of wheaties from the box with the famous wrestlers on it he ate the box too he was distracted by the latest creation from the creator who created creation and create-lings who could create him from cream of wheat because they couldnt afford the wheaties and they ate smarties so they could get smacked because they couldnt afford drugs either unless they sold their souls to needy who dont have souls because they dont have the words to express the feelings that are repressed and invented by the mess of the world that were in and what do you feel is not what is felt because if it were felt than it would be felt and felt is best when it is green and you mix green with blue and its still green because green is a pigment of your imagination but your pigmentation recognizes it as ochre for lack of better smell because you cant tell what color a color is unless the color doesnt exist because than you created it and it is yours to name
and so you name it
and than it is yours
and you are its
and you have become a possession of your own expression
and you give yourself away to the rain and are sucked back up into the sky from which you came from so you can feel that one last gush of air as it whips by your head as you smash into the ground when gravity takes its toll right out of your pockets and you scream im broke at the bottom of your lungs because your falling face first so you can see whats coming at you and can take it like a mangled shard of the glass mirror you broke so you could see your tears fractated into lactose and spent the most on love is lost when you hit the post
and with your final heart beat the blood gets redirected to your flacid phallus so you die with a smile on your face and a hand 
in your pants

ummmmmmmmmmmm i was going to post something but i kinda got carried away and now i lost it sooooooooo.....mmm yeah here have a quote...
"'What is your skincare secret?'
Boy George- 'It's happiness.'"


1 comment:

  1. Lol
    I'm going back and reposting everything, I'll try to put one up every few days.
    This one is an oldie but a goodie, the first one from back in the days of Magruder.
    Kind of long, but a gem from the past. I like it a lot too, I feel like I had something to say back in those days lol
