Saturday, December 19, 2009

{Designed by desired by designs for desire}

blink blink the firefly blinked and wink wink the fairy winked and think think i can be beat but sink sink my ship will meet the green green of the ocean floor and no no it wont float no more but oh oh oh what a score on the bowl bowling alleyway door to the gray gray night in the dark and the way way we lit ourselves off and the plays plays that we bit from the books and the seconds hours moments we took and we grope grope for the heat in the cold and we yearn yearn for the rocks in our folds of our fat fatening fat on our laps and we lay lay on tile drink before that and we hold hold each other in arms while we grow grow much farther apart and we sigh sigh at the sight of ourselves and we crash crash like a book without shelves and we ask ask what did we impair when we felt felt at each others cold stare like an ice ice sickle of death while the reap reap reaper still wept for the gain gain gain of his life just to take take take it apart and we know know whats wrong with ourselves but we cant cant ever but dwell on our flaws flaws fatal and sure like the front front front open door that i locked locked in hopes of defering the rob rob robery while it snows in the yard yard the dirt becomes white and and imacculate over night while i sleep sleep visions of you but still me me just alone in my room in the pitch pitch blackness of pitch like a tree burning in vats of pitch while my head head implodes on itself from the lack lack of the feelings ive felt and the heart heart stops anymore all its beat beating itself to bored and the blood blood will flow no more if the pump pumping is not restored but the cane cane became crutches for the insane sane skittle munch dutchman and these words words make sense to the sensless but the same same senses are senile when the game game is over from denial



  1. haha i dont expect you to read it because i havent written anything good in a while
