Saturday, July 24, 2010

{instinctual extinction}

inching sideways on  a plane perpendicular to my perception and parallel to my cognizance complacency creeps in from above answering only to the antithesis of the situation subtleties sound and abstain from their agony in favor of favors and parties and participants revelries abound and enter pleas of not guilty until it pleases the court while courting the judge and coercing the plaintiff into consent vested in its blindness and stricken with light while struck with gravity and struck with its gravity and struck with the gravity until stuck and maddeningly the menace manages to maintain its message maturing in nutrient rich soil until blossoms bloom and perfume the garden the scent tinted air laced with oxygen and poisoned with good intentions left unmentioned until menstruated from the brain in the form of sterile saline solutions cleansed from its own fluids in its own liquids left to drown drawing in the surrounding moisture until it coated the lungs drips through the liver removing the toxins and is again excreted through cycles of biological metaphor porous in their transparency and sordid in their sobriety still reaching for the throttle


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