Friday, January 28, 2011


still mine digs deep into a still mind still finding stills amongst the twine unraveling trills bestowed on chimes blowing in the tint of the heated lined up pined up tapped to a truck struck and stuck saving pain for blessings and tresspassing on the trecherous terain all wheel drive slide slip slice awake in eyes take in thighs pressed on thighs basted chaste and left to sigh inside out get out now so many still encased in what doesnt matter cant betray a teasing hatter cant be phased into a ladder stepping stones higher clouds bridge matter my bridge matters it was always mine even when i gave it away still mine can not find still fined unpaid unstuck driving reckless stick shift shift this clutch clutch clutch doesnt matter mangled in a manger discus destructs constructs snip snip nip and tuck until the subject matter matters materalizes margenalizes margins marched in marzipan almond butter nut squash better net jogs block block block of ice slip on the ice frozen the mind thaw thaw that is all


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