Tuesday, December 5, 2017

back where we started parted departed

knock knock enter tread carefully center stair fully paired pre fed stares hair falls thin talls skin jaws bite might stand tonight fight back press down center spine thumbs pine grow juice eat like a god hand of sob stopping sop spite brings back thoughts handle hardly heart to drop candied canteen cant eve nancies fancy plant seeds hand me pressing pressed bees sting and stung smell sweet and come taste laced with face face me place me brush based hasten towards stone swords planted words and empty chambers hard felt velvet stains broken spats slit sticks it back almost in control let it go condensation forest placement underbrush and spitting image of spit it in the ghost feel the toast to patience past lasting sadness and grasping grass sits still on the hill rolling upwards nine feet under time the thunder to the padded webbed feet of the dancing nimble pranced to tremble and tremor seldomly simmer removed from the heat still eat place cards spayed hearts puppy feet die and men gold teeth again shine shave for this trade a kiss split and list betray a glisten listen this ends intense in its inside scribbling tinted tinging this thing cant say a damn thing move wing still cannot fly close eye still cannot cry try and do not fields raze rot maze for pace makers praise beat trays of milk cooked in silt still sits still the stilts tipping with guilt heavy handed heaps heaves of his turn not on the old dime but purrs and burns too tight held flight sings right memories slide


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