Saturday, March 14, 2009

{lacking and slacking leads to heart attacking...}

nothing to say not today not a way to spend the day the day is spent it used it all up on cheap hookers and cheaper liquor that licked a dick for chicks to pick a flick of the wrist that was a slight of the hand and the land in the sand that ran to a man who sold them the plan but what was in the plan and what was in your hand when you took it away and dropped the quarter into my ear and the fish that was already in there babbled and grappled for the truth in the loot of the mind that was left behind inside of the findings of the earnings and the yearnings of the dearlings darlings farthings conicidentaly the mind reading sessions were cancled on acount of the lack of interest in the interest that was acumulated and the expenses far outweighed the profits and so they had to shut it down but before it died down they shut it off and started a trough that the pigs ate out of before we ate out of the pigs before we ate out of each other and we took a knife to our brothers and a spade to our mothers and our fathers stood by and watched in irony and the iron that glided by me when i skated on ice that was too thin to think ontop of so it broke of course and the course of the river was coarse like sand paper against my scrotum and the secular branch of the tree agreeed with me even though it disagreed with she and which is me said the bird to the bee in idiosyncrocity before the end of the flame that burned the tree to the ground laughed as it flouroushed before it gasped for breath because it had eaten it all too quickly and it had nothing more to eat so it died because the ash that had become of the ash tree was ashen and ashy and partly tragic even though the magic was taken out of the forest long before the trees revolted against humanity and the sanity of it all became understood when the hood of the car was raised up and underneath it was another hood that could not be raised up so they lifted it up and shook it round their heads like a helicopter and the bad puns that were created in fun rhymed with a ton of other shit and all of its legit said the rapper the the rhymer to the syndicated timeser who portrayed the series of events in a comical way for the everyday man who was not the man who was everyday but was in fact a man of independant thought and entity unlike everyone else who read that article and that was why he would endure and in pure heart of malice and mace the race was won one on one like the tiger with the gun who said i am strong and now i am stronger and you will fear me even more whats more more of you will die before i cry out with laughter or rage behind this cage its hard to predict the weather so wether or not you fought in the war of 84 you now know that lore is the utmost of the core of the war of the whores who hoard the chords and the ropes and the chokers that choke and the soapers that soap and the pokers that poke into the fire its my desire its my chain its my flame but the flame already died and we put it out with water that than died when all of its parts were no longer a whole but independant entities that floated off into the air to be free but were forced back into the cloud and spat back upon the earth in a little fit of rage and bullets of pure love made out of saphires were sung by giants that didnt think they were but could have been still had they built a still and the stillness of the land reflects the murmers in my heart that is made out of building blocks and play doh that plato himself requisitioned and aquisitioned and parlimentariantism regantanialism participation fairy isnt real either but she sure does make herself pretty for nothing just like all of us in our assumptions about what is wrong and what is brighter than black and blue like the ocean and the sky because both extend out into infinity and in finite space there is finding a space of our own that is unlimited in the near future but the distant future couldnt run the marathon so it took a breath and let the present pass it by and it opened it as it paused for water at the fountain that it was at and what was inside oh what a ghastly mess it was all purple and green and yellow and putrid and delicious on toast like the most of the moat dragons roast that it seasoned with far too many lima beans instead of bringing back a suitable entre that the whole world could partake in being part of instead of taking the things that arent inside of the wonder ball but i do i do i do wonder what the flavor of orange soda contains and how the artificial is the reality in which we all choose to live artificially and artichoking the meloncollie that spred herpes to third world dolphins exploited as sex trafficers without stoplights or razorblades to shave with so they were all hairy and their navels were fuzzy but when you add a drop of vodka it makes it all so much simpler and the simplest sollution we all know is the one that must contain a cat in a box with a gun aimed at it and the cat collapses into a wave until we surf it and ride it all the way back to the bahamas where our mama stood with a pocket book out ready to slap us with when we came in an hour after our bedtimes were over and we couldnt repeat our iambic pentameter so we just stood there with our jaws gapping like the holes in the bottom of the ocean that were stealing all of our water and putting it captive back into the freedom of life that was teething with rice because china came in and for the win they placed a hundred of their catuplulting mice back on strike from the hansburg district b13 and a half past the and half so what was in our creamer anyways?



  1. lima beans ruin moat dragons! actually they ruin everything. no lima beans!
