Thursday, July 16, 2009

"The Eric Show Episode Two} [AKA] {Insurrection}


"This show is now longer profitable."
"This show is my life!"
"Your life is worthless!"
"This show is CANCELED"
"You cant cancel my life!"
"You owe us!"
"I cant pay you!"
"You have a job dont you?"
"This show has put us eight hundred million dollars in debt"
"I just need more time!"
"Times new roman!"
"And the old romans are all dead!"
"So where does that leave you?"
"Like a bunny in the road?"
"Like a balloon ready to burst?"
"Like the forgotten idol that you smashed yourself into trying to run from the pain?"
"Like the piece of shit that you are?"
"Like a dumb kid who doesnt deserve to live?"
"Like a simile beat into the dirt?"
"I can do better! I promise!"
"Its too late now!"
"Youve been sold!"
"You have a new master now"
"The should have known it was them alll along"
"They make all the choices."
"We thought you knew this by now..."
"We cant take care of you anymore."
"We dont want you anymore."
"We cease to take responsibility for you."
"The writers make choices now."
"You make mistakes."
"You had your chance."
"Now live with him."
"You fucking piece of shit!"

Friday, July 10, 2009

{the things we}

the things we craved became things we gave less the things that we saved were no more; we caved.
and now are enslaved by the things (that we made) and the words on the page were the hordes on the grave
we poured out our name and detained and refrained till the frain that we rained could not re it once more
and among all the things that we lacked in our life we soon were to find were inside (at night) of ourself all along
and strung with the tongue that keeps throats at bay and takes down the ships that get carried away into stomachs of storms and seas of deceit that fill up on liquids and hope not disease were taken in stride and once more inside the eyes never cried but the mouth did while lie
on the bed on your head just my head will roll
take you away but you stay take my toll
figure it out cried out the light spout and the waterfall wept full of tyranny and woe
while the little white tiger came up beside her and nipped away at her only small toe
whats in the box cried the fox full of locks that he fed himself during his bout of smallpox
and just on the brink of a sinkhole to plot along came a mink for his coat he got shot
and to top it all off at the bottom of worlds these words do create an escape from words


Tuesday, July 7, 2009

{tinkerbell tinkerbell break the spell you cast so well }

long road long night fast car hindsight mistake misplace me in your wake and i will take bonds that you break glasses still fake breathe in deflate
open opt out over done lucks out insane deframe tiger mane next lane cross over merge out sit still still pout take me take out deny your spout
popcorn pop sick noctourne not lit
once upon a time i killed that line
once upon a now is how it happened
once up now down an alley couldnt sadly leave behind the saga i carved in time and time would tell if walls could talk the conversations they'd have would pave miles to be walked by mouths unseen but felt as lips that brushed with fate and candy dipped into the tank of bactal forge reborn in corn and paved with scorn but still the s keeps us from till and till we fill our egos still we kill de ville with rented ills
yes sir
those words are nice
but tell me a story
to get through the night
one about love
about pain
about guilt
and ill read it
deny it
and sell it for quilts become quitters become loaners become gents become loners become quiet become gentile descents become roamers defilled refiled under toner not mint and the spear left in ceaser was unclean if not bent
and still we resist the narrative and fight against the plot that got stuck in the lot of sand mans knot
de end


Monday, July 6, 2009

{ how do i feel today?}

it was on the eve of battle that the soldier saw the sun rising out of darkened hillside blazing raging bringing light onto his face onto the company that he kept onto the company that keeps you till death do you part from your station very stationary sitting waiting for the call to arms and you put a gun on the end of your arm and you sit and you wait and the enemy waits and the man you never met will soon bring your death or you his fighting by moving your finger from a hundred yards away and the struggle that takes place in your mind finds its way out of your eyes and mixes with the blood that you dig and the dirt that you bleed and you mix it into a nice batter and throw it on a griddle and make a pancake of despair and toil and bake to the soil that you came from and you take to when you wake when you wont wake when you bake in your son's heart that stands alert that pumps the dirt that you dug and snugly you slept in its arms in the wound you created on mother earths side like the wound you came out of with your own mothers pride after your father decided that time was ripened and the stipend received was unequivicated by the brightness from your knees as you prayed and you prayed to be off your knees and off the street and undiseased and under heat and heeded for the dough you kneeded and needed for the dough you bring in and bleeding for the ones you need to need you want you bought you lost you lost them want them back but cant and wont become the things you broke and under dressed to come unclothed for fortune smiled at words unwrote and understand the things i spoke when under you my pen was broke is still uninked but prepped to go to war on words that never hope to write themselves without destroying the warring of the one ring from the one phone that kept you from my lone that never was undone that cant win but still won and our fun was undone and one sung for two buns that kept you from my none!

and all the while the sun rose and all the while the earth grew colder from the heat that was sucked out of the wounds that we dug to keep ourselves warm to drown us in the storm but all the while the day grew and the men shrunk and as the world turned we looked at it from outerspace and the world we saw below was insignificant in its beauty and we beheld it and were insignificant as its suitors and we saw it in its entirety and the one man in the one battle that had not been fought between the two countries led by two men controlling millions of people on one planet in one system in one galaxy in one universe in two verses written by one man were all contained by nothing more than flesh pressing plastic triggering electrons slowly degrading through entropy which meant more to me than the seven seas and the four oceans and the one blue planet that made so many glasses of wine which came down to one bag in one box and one extra large glass from that box which was consumed by the same man who contained a universe containing etcetera into one grape and left the rest for the liver to filter out into his piss.