Tuesday, July 7, 2009

{tinkerbell tinkerbell break the spell you cast so well }

long road long night fast car hindsight mistake misplace me in your wake and i will take bonds that you break glasses still fake breathe in deflate
open opt out over done lucks out insane deframe tiger mane next lane cross over merge out sit still still pout take me take out deny your spout
popcorn pop sick noctourne not lit
once upon a time i killed that line
once upon a now is how it happened
once up now down an alley couldnt sadly leave behind the saga i carved in time and time would tell if walls could talk the conversations they'd have would pave miles to be walked by mouths unseen but felt as lips that brushed with fate and candy dipped into the tank of bactal forge reborn in corn and paved with scorn but still the s keeps us from till and till we fill our egos still we kill de ville with rented ills
yes sir
those words are nice
but tell me a story
to get through the night
one about love
about pain
about guilt
and ill read it
deny it
and sell it for quilts become quitters become loaners become gents become loners become quiet become gentile descents become roamers defilled refiled under toner not mint and the spear left in ceaser was unclean if not bent
and still we resist the narrative and fight against the plot that got stuck in the lot of sand mans knot
de end



  1. might just be my mood but this one really got to me. <3

  2. whats your mood and how did it get to you?

  3. i'm not sure .. just one of those moods
    and some of the phrases ran through my head all day. i'll probably end up stealing some :)

  4. phooey, i was hoping you could tell me what sort of a mood i was in =\
    im still trying to figure it out myself...

  5. phooey? i like that :)
    i'd say you were in the kind of mood to tell hayley a story .. please? one about love, about pain, about guilt?

    or part II? and make the ending sweet?

  6. how can i write about it when it hasnt happened yet?

  7. is the only possible outcome that he flies?

  8. only if the story is to continue...
    otherwise it just circles around between him staying in his room and looking at the mountain, and than milk gets spoiled and honey gets crusty and both get thrown away...and thats just not a very good story...

  9. i disagree o word master
    together or apart
    the story will indeed go on
    that was just a start

    because the boy was given wings
    he climbed the mount of hope
    and even though he yearned to fly
    he acted like a dope

    and though his longing hasn't changed
    the winged-boy's feet still frozen
    for who knows of the damage done
    by the path that he has chosen

    now the ending could be tragic
    or the ending could be sweet
    regardless if he flies or not
    but now he has to sleep
