Friday, October 15, 2010


He looked into the air and he said Write and in that moment the pen touched the page and the ink bled and the head that pounded hammered out words WORDS WORDS green words plentiful and planted by the seed sapling seedling suckling the Earth the mother fighting through the pain punishing the placement protruding and peeking at the peek steeple teeth of steel stolen and golden reflecting smiles fueled by cruel intentions the pause came and graced the tasting plentiful still stiller than cave air rotting in bubbles in the ground ballooning into the soil bursting through time piercing arrows scarecrows rare throws into the wilderness into gilded trusts built with husks and stored in tusks fluffed and rushed into the container tracing the rim with a single fingertip tipping the brim with anticipation rain touching rain and dancing trained onto trains straining drowning flailing in heat the moment passed and useless but used waiting and unreturned gracing fervent torrents tracing back to my eye still seeing by sight lightness and tridents canonized around rallies ALWAYS Dancing like notes and letters and songs made of letters and notes and written always as the intention sitting in silence surrounded by emptiness and touching your arm blindly daring to look into the burnt light but burning and feel its black heat inhaling the smoke to tickle my lungs pressure building in my head my heart watched in quiet discontent continuing its apathy rolling in the flour and awaiting its intention smelling like the flower selling like a towering tower set on the sky trampling clouds with glass setting concrete into stone circular the yellow beast beats against the ground and the men laugh and she waits for her stitches to cauterize set in diamond like a moth missing anything that was lost and hearing only the softness of a voice crying from the herd placed in pastures presenting natural nature at a premium screening the future digitally in dimensions missed and understood made of wood and clay and sand hardened like ice standing on the bottom of a boulder slowly collapsing and still dancing yes Dancing held out his hand and put it on my waist NO My Shoulder shouldnt remember shaved and flavored and especially flawed denting the hole left in the wall by throwing stones like cards and playing till the deck is full and the house is underwater and dried up drifting on the cloud and rising to the guillotine getting greener still less red less gravestones less terrain and transformation transported scantily clad in iron bouncing gravity generated and repulsed by the sight slightly appalled at the whole and wall waiting WHy Not and indeed it wasnt rest assured and peace guaranteed pieces of chocolate broke melted and sun drenched tossing water and continuity constantly crisping and risking rights striving forward for rights cupped in the bowl bowels descend and still aversion but goddamn I want to dance and my limes reflect it enviously sinfully a plenty store in reserve and steam escapes as rain couldnt build a big enough net to catch it all couldnt build a big enough castle to store all the sand in and instead landed on the island that I am anchored to the base camp and already at the peak unable to speak as the sky forces air into my lungs and lunging against it all my chest uncollapses and recreates the poison to myself building up in place of the sky the sky poison princely and pathetic praised by rhinestones running rampant crammed by timezones into a trance tracing with two fingers on opposite ends and two lips on top and the tasting was secondary and the pain wasnt aware but there in an instant pleasure flared for an instant insistent sextant and september still glowing and poked by a stick combusting leaves leaving skeletons burning like cinnamon and Dancing desperately alive with the last seconds of life desperately fighting without placing sentimentality into the equation and empathic to the core skewed and rude as a ruse rustled at the fray frayed at the fringes fringed at the middle and middled at the end ended at the destruction and created by lust in the first place inspired by a racing current petrol fueled sound crashing down on top of the bottom who wanted to smile and DANCE!


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