Saturday, October 2, 2010

thingsthatneedtoberead [AKA] {RESPONSETOSHORTBUS}

Retreating into our eyes to stare at the sky as the weight of our idols collapse in upon ourselves and we leave the room standing but alone for the shelves full of baggage placed in pace with the beating of our hearts starting the conversation but elating the revelation towards elation and predating the situation profound and renovated replaced a stake into the ground holding the tent up and sheltering us from clouds crumbling and tumbling towards the ground doing forward rolls here into the steering wheel peering venirs and stealing chairs sitting on stairs and staring into tears in paper hearts bearing all the shares of latent hearts breaching all the fears of bracing hearts and retreating into eyes to stare at the sky but without the retreat and plenty of defeat sitting in the gutter of the stuttering pair on par with the recent scar left by the tar that healed into a road and the bar that breached into a rodeo fit complete with clowns and all the rides that left the reckless dead and the cleverest in the head and we move onto the latest development and we agitate and radicate the complacencey left in place by the racing bleeding of the greatest heading and headways and headwinds raced into the opening left by the void when it voided its vowels into the wind and was left stuttering with nothing but constanants left rampant trampleing the rancid meat of the language that they tried to defend with nothing but shapes that lost their shape and in haste were basted and casted and plastared and drenched with beer doused with pumpkins and spices and rice was considered for an alternative to gluten but the thrust was misplaced in the flux and the message was  lost when it was thought too long and the real point of the spear was placed into the belly of the beast reached when it greased its lungs with its voiding blood fluid and soot from the lungs attatched to the singularity with which it prasied itself and raised itself above that number just to see itself collapse under the weight of zero round and rolling falling into the hole prodding into the known and dwelling on the phone or the zone of penetration felt for days after the heat of the sun had evaporated all the moisture from the ground still putrid and smelling of use tainted by the invassion of persuassion and pressure forming diamonds pursed with the package and rehearsed into placticity recited with rappidity replacing the conjugation with the emotion and output not equaling the input the result was a sloppy sentance misplaced and penciled into the moment ment to mean much more then it ment perhaps in place of the place it was performed in but most likely it was lost to the length of the loss and the messenger was a mess and blessed with the gift of resentment and instability leaning onto the tower that she visited in the city at least by proxy pretty pristine and prominent but undesired by the modern or at least the contemporary or at least in the moment though betrayed by desire before abandoned by neglect and randomized by sections of festering in the heart or the brain indistinguishable by the night or the light or the pint and the darkness that covered the flame that covered the drop were all motivations of desire and he picked up on their intent but not their excuse or was it their reason and not their use or was it just use and from the juiced came the juice and the orange was not the same but the tongs were unreinged and chinqotigue unchained like misty and brighty and all of the lot and the sameness was  a lot and the jails smelled hot and the pails felt rot and the quails bent not and the rails went south and south i went and down i felt and sounding didnt quite make the impression i hoped it would but sonar was found in the nearest bar and the party was afar but the starting was anear and the always was always a beer even though the contempt was felt and the liquor was desired and quicker was always more efficient and cheaper in the long run running was never a strong suit unless it was a sprint and the sprints were only neccessary if there was an audience and the intent was once again lost but the hint of the spirits were tossed and tossed and tossed like the bossed employee that waited too long to let the emotions flow like the river that left eye wanted to say and what im trying to say is too leading so i miss you and instead look at the eye the eye the eye inside always rhymes so i leave it aside and in the aside i leave it a snide remark reminiscing on the  recent developments and of course itunes with its humor and telepathy would put on this song and so the lyrics that read ONE TWO THREE FOUR HAHAHAHA LEAVE JUST AS YOU CAME and only one person perhaps knows the significance but since i capsed it from the past he must realize that in my stupor i superimposed his presencc on my present and the pretext was perferated and easy to tear like the paper heart like the linx like the links that chain us to desire to prison to the heart and all the while i havent said what i came here to say dwarfed by pluralism when the goal was singularity snuffed by sunsets when the role was singularity strength and the intent of the desired who lost its luster diminishing and lacking behind a cover hugging a pillow untouched as the willow un brushed as the rudder unstreamed as the recent development developing in only one mind but two bodies and three mouths mounted onto a tripod for easy access and passed as the one mistake that lead to the uncovering of the ruins of babylon and tapped onto the keg that was passed along as the mast that kong climed upon and chimed upon from the top of the world that "all was near and the near was dear especially when the near didnt care and the care was out of fear " putting in its place the racing hearts again the hearts  straight from the hearths and raking the bread out of the oven crusting over on the stones heated to heats glowing heats red hot white hot clear hot glowing heats that could not be felt only seen and never seen only known and the wind up was blow over the owner of the homes that could not be visited nor frequented only driven to from afar five hundered times or less by a factor of ten but multiplied by a factor of many driven by the heart or the hard but driven non the less and replaced by the staying and non traveling rocks that turn their faces towards the eastern shore and ride towards the west always going from where youve been to where you came from and when you come out your still in the same place that you came to but the most important thing is that you came and occasionaly i will come too even though im the only one visable to me and viable to the scene placed in the dark and the translucency of prancing myself onto the stage the arena the feeble lightning striking the pricing of the sight that i see in the dark when i beg for the light the exposure the revealing the seeing that leads to feeling and when feeling becomes cold and frigid and the lid is  blissful but the distant bits fold into pillows biting the siding of the riding cowboys aluminum and bitter canned panned and harvested of value divulged and craving wine looking in the mirrior in your eyes that i cannot see and that is when the creep crept and the seep sept and the oct started and thats where we parted but the parts were joined in act and in passing again were passed but were at the lowest quality that the manufacturer produces and leaving the store while the wallet is content the product is wanting and the want leaves from the haunting of the future
the taunting of the future
the saunter of the future
the raw things of the future
that comes only in the past
but projects sideways
and places itself in hideaways
razors blades and knives say
that tomorrow is today
and laissez faire plays
fair with days
and staying
and playing
but playing
and nothing got said
so really


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