Sunday, July 31, 2011

not tonight

speakers sound slim jumping the juice all rolled up into a ground pound booth we found the cradle robbed and rocking split with the grain hugging the tooth soothed by the sensous sounds of sedation tuned to the cryptic replies of salvation dribbled and played in the same sides of gray tins shined and lined with steel bands sanding dancing in deserts and feeding your feet treading on dust wind with coarse grainy heat

stretch it grasped and drastic dragged through the last breath of giving up

Saturday, July 30, 2011

satin stain knits

dark room dark lights dark eyes dont you know were the only ones left alive blink twice heavy sigh sings cold breath push back and handshake keep at it well survive windows off its time rubber snaps rubber clocks bounce on disappearing floors mopped with dark bubbly shoe shine sparkling in twilights redesigned anteroom candid moments shellacked crystal clear i can do better this time pavement pressed into people shapes standing end on end bundled and laminated press it or pay you cant take that much away without leaving a larger absence on the other end of the supplier maintenance records state chiseled in chisels dipped in glue stuck in squeezed hands squeezing hands two drops from either side together press harder give it up understand me foot shuffles foot its too late too late too late candles go out and bloom sugar spiral slide down to the wick tickle my lungs shaved twice just to make sure use us the money didnt have much to say anyways pens favored might over graphite shot splinters into solid sand reverb danced grains left alone cant escape anyways its time claimed and owned in possession iron clad sinners singed dinners on me tonight fork knife applicable size entertained by hanged wines burst necks bleed red and white green bottles just want you to be happy sassed and teased tassels trees haggle fees to the castle brick by broken brick walls grew high and cried for shelter just take it and go leave it well enough shone through the air vent same spiral split lengthwise crosshatched and picked up his hat to leave hatred double crosses the apple until you take a bite crisp juice tumbles down your chin makes your beard dry sticky


Thursday, July 28, 2011

sand in the phone

the writer dips his quill into digital ink leaking from his fingertips pricks blood with white feathers writes black letters bound in gold hard copied toffee scented dust of magenta sprays play in the air grasps the conceit and retreats to concept lacking in execution but escapes with his head bound tightly around his face held in place by bits of plaster plastic casted it hardened and kept its shell and the garden smelled of wells digging deeper than grasshoppers dare to dip flip it around and out of the ground pumped the air into the oil filled ocean under the sun push through it breathe deep lungs taste like dynamite sponge soaked in mostly water holds hard to his hand scabbed over by the road block jabbed roses into heels paced the world with feet of flowers red scent crushed under foot but above gravel existing just in between and twist the meat wringing all the heat out leave it cold dries in the shade dead for days but still goes on tied up with string from the butcher packed by the bagger and begged from the dagger took it anyways trite and truffled decadence danced on embers of soot put undone trembling and stocking filled up with rancid claws bent and thawed lying in salt push barrels of it out harold the scout who dared slay about the rivers blue and branching kept in tubes redundant and recurrent and recurring in a nightmare for the dark stallion loud and rounded dents iron with bone and turf sniffs whole reasons every turn caves prancing to the fence princely and calm head bows ears cut with calligraphy pressed on paper and mailed to melt whithers blows pelted by pelts felt good without felt the raw shell tipped its hinge automatic reload and tragic scattered danced with matter grasping at her and clapped at laughter


Wednesday, July 27, 2011

scatter clots

the painter throws stones strung in spiderwebs lands in cobs suspended over a lake of black moon dissolving in blacker ripples plunge deep into the cool emerge lacking light strike a match lick flames with your tongue hug trains with your arms scraping the tracks pulling gravel along in a red basket handkerchief filled with dust smacked against the road leaving breadcrumbs and knives smear the world in black and white corners frayed ripped at the seams pressed flat and held when should have waited for something more the choir sang hope shone in their teeth as they chewed their words spiting the juices into the air chandelier tears burned holes in the night burst into day needles threaded holes through day pulled and ripped holes back through the darkness and pulled it tight reached out into the thread wrapped arms in arms and wanted less and was given green buckets filled to the lid dipped in a brush like candy coated the rotting log like candy and painted stripes onto it too peeled them back one by one and poured pellets into the socket compressed and pressed out the best raced and nests fell from the sky or the leaves trees cried before they bleed hold a pocket out catch its seeds soaked in soot sent back from the garden leave it all behind wrapped in swaddling memories wandering serenity scenery change steel steel steel tongue cold and running  but still broken melt and soder sober sadder saddles lead the way out of town back to the flower holds the rain in its cup broken butter battered better burst bust and bread setter leapt from the fire house webs spreader heads shelter rubber button bounced redder pressed silver kissed hilts of whisks and trinkets overlayed and overpaid on the lawn candy coated coaxed in rooters rudders steer the whistle blow harder pretty pony gallop fast the magic hack laid out like a picture and as pretty as kissed and hiltered hindered by hints all spent and given up like ghosts


Saturday, July 23, 2011

granite janice

the baker takes dates baked in bass hates the way the sunlight plays on his eyelids dust at dawn white lungs bake in heat and moisture atypical of this time of the year spreading slicing pricing his body piecemeal for meals made of corn and wheat germ torn from the berry held its stalk high in the wind bent like steel golden too but that wasnt his job just took and hooked the paste ground down into a powder pounded like lathe and foaming at the pout dripped sex from whiskers teased mixers mixed with liquors dipped in his fur the oven smelled nice popped like corn dropped like stone topped and born of fire born of wood born of earth lichens likened him to god lay in birth perpetual open womb river flows and pulled forth the desert dosing in the haze lizards lay alike and so they die perplexed at null whole holes filled with their naught at this nautilus not just his bit and spit pricked and preyed played with it till he pulled away pinpoint and concentrate restraint berate and degrade c grade be great a grate lay in the way pulled by seventeen mouths biting each bar chomping at the bit and eating the curds way below the city pinstripes of light lit black tubes covered in air and holding soot seventeen mounts played top but couldnt keep up couldnt creep shut the dumptruck backed into the back lot half locked and half stopped buns spilled forth and trapped got the goat coated in candy left in distress and pressing harder


Thursday, July 21, 2011

chain seared on mare to hardened fails

the tailor enters trailing the wellspring stringing along the felt and timber taken from the same animal points attached to lines made of steel stolen from the same absence left in the chamber takes ribbons and shreds soft things dead in rolls warmth clothed and pulled clasps fracture tear the silence and plug it back up again let it fall through your fingers like milk unwound and threaded through the same needle pierced through the stars and sewn through his skin jumped and fell to the air pulled in a million points stripes in the night they fell upon his chest wrapped him in his casket weave in the last bit of dust and the night became invisible the thousandth shadow disappeared without the definition from the source ground into brightness day ate the same meal left offered for the odds against tasting a snapshot a flavor froze in time kept moving and they sang like taste buds baritone strong paired and pruned lawn the fare soon dawned and cushioned ruled and taped placement kept in its place the basement rapped on the shade sand dune nude colored tile the lords discussed the cosmos and the orchids fire dipped and tipped with gild pricked with skill tripped the till into telling the fill filled the dirt with fill earth and the berth was loaded heavy right of the right side sides were seamed and creased pleased the meanest teeth broken against teeth crusted tongues and salted for the journey pulled until the sail filled pulled until the rail bent gulled with gall and thrown us all into repair


Sunday, July 17, 2011

canned in cans in heat

the butcher broke bones with metal under skin on top of heart lay still beating with hammers flesh and sanders smoothing out leather seeking out better accommodations laced with placement exams and random realizations based around the theory of connectivity cradling the creature still sticky from the chest wasnt the only niceties extended through the arms grasped with hard hands dried blood under the skin wet red on top of the fingers clinging stayed put and the rings ran through scanned in dimensions distilled with intentions ripped from the cavity and displayed on a platter green with rust sawed and seen dwelling on the minute lined and soot stained brick black grain drip canister silo spent ticked off and on beat quarter notes dine with territories tonight press flat the pride sleeps insomniac ambitions greater stiller kept moving and pulled metal on stone the softer showed and steel shone no sparks just dull thud crack splat with the eye cant mind the gap logistics depend on it flat bed trucking down south mud hutch crunching hits mouth teeth munch mud mud eats jug judge posts bail and sins for the choir halos tied and presses golden circles onto his chest begs and vices turn prices churn butter beer battered basted in cud and never swallows cheeks bulge tongue bold lips drip catch red meat batter spit on toast the knife back spreads the eagle feathers fly pillows breadth in the brink of a crying session fried blessings pry on most lean waters waddled fathers onto the coast lined up at the shore showered with turning pages stapled to the sand branded and burning circle i in the night sky with a star shower surrounding shooting stars at stars surroundings shuddering in the cold and smelting line bridled behind by rounded rind stones thrown far sounded chimes and sent spines down in rivers sucked dry and left out too


Friday, July 15, 2011


the dancer arose petals and all burning air with arms gradient flailing to pink clear cold in the middle and pressed for oils dripping into seats from below the constant perpetual and still clothed in skin pressed forward looking for bones pulled back feeling flesh ripped left and right in the moment painful till bliss on a rolling green and tasting freshness salty and neat lines pulled off under tape became straight toes pointed toward dirt soft crumbling and moist like dirt formed into the negative space of the hand and left on top of the mound bound by soundless pressure building in the air a castle to house his beauty break apart the bonds and let the power pour into a cup dip into the well of the senses crease the plans apart and lifted by the retreat of the pants panting into puddles resentment comes swift instincts trusted by insects burst the barrier canes ripped the silence sliced into slices pilled on platters placed into matters out of our affairs blood fell into his legs and left suddenly as the earth fell below his stationary position ninety nine point nine percent above the horizon still the toe pointed south cardinally speaking jays of many colors blew in from the east days with many covers blew in from the east the feast began beggars out in the cold buffaloed by duffles thrown nuzzled over by seeders feet feeding on leather crops in the weather and tops rather spoke than tethered beaten around a pole by a string rubber redder baby cheddar in the spring maybe fed her in a ring rising past the streamers clouds take only breezes as modes mostly public and made out of mostly stubble suspended by tension endless descent all the way torso inflates as a strange way to make air humid and warm but never appreciated and always smiling mostly


Thursday, July 14, 2011

charcoal drippings

the traveler awakens baked into a slice of seventeen pies piled on top of each the dancer the tailor and the whale steps through the title screen into plain view vestigial and unable to comprehend the cohesion adherent to the other side steps a sliding scale slide ruled into infinity rolled into a jelly roll donut full cup of coffee cold cut milk sucked through a straw pouring chocolate into the bottom of a glass clear as a glass steering fast into lanes oncoming off putting shirked and restless itching wheels scratched on asphalt tarmac concrete bars sat still of gold glint thinner tinnier tinier finely purring placed his head in the lap of his cat vibrations tickled both their whiskers cheeky deviled legs sawed off brush handles scrapped the backside of a snare drum hair dumbed down and to the side rack of lamb tandem sand sun samsung sizzling under the grill fat drips like water steam turns the faucet off thematic canned static trickle dagger tickles the trigger stiffer still the traveler reappears pears in hand mostly water soddered to the nail arent free to go to the dancer sitting down but covered in trees white keys in the key in the lock slowly filling with mostly water hot hot leaves and a razor too dull to complete its function the slaves slave crossroads and no road signs signals intentions dust in his eye makes him blink four times in succession railroads leave no tracks the dancer stood up in the caboose touched both walls and was held up by the stairs to the stars starting out on this journey it seemed simple enough hidden behind incidentalism flushed clean and sprinkled with salt lye and spice left to dry and hanged behind the carnival tried to take the tricycle by the hasty barnacle clam shell felled trees float logs soggy boards four by four marched into two boats the size of the world and it broke the black keys filled with mostly air strung notes with mostly caring hands the size OF the world dipped in blue and swaddled in cotton


Friday, July 1, 2011

this is not the same snail

The wanderer stepped into the darkness and blinked until he saw spots of lights prickling his eyeballs with a furry felt in the morning underneath blindness bent and derided like the rails streaming sinusoidal waves detracting from the pavement chased by stray dogs on leashes tents set up along the road housed hooves and trumpets and beats packed cola by the carton and carried on towards the westward picked up by trailblazers blazing hail followed the sinners and signed on the dotted lines in the snow peppered with rain of the salty sea and bleeding open your hands and breath he whispered blinking twice without stopping to eat the eggs were cooked by now anyhow and poured the boiling water back into the river flowing downhill at a pace that kept up with the stream of diners headed back into diner for dinner spun around on the pin pinned to the dime and left it for the next tip to be passed along between the people who spent them crept up out of the cellar and dented his fender kicked it hard and moved along just because he wanted it there and that didnt make justice ring any truer on the eve of battle herded together like beards in the wind shaking and strong a mask of fur to hide behind the fence staring through the cracks bandana tied streaming summers screaming and spent till depleted crackling and deprived of dignity looking in the mirror the past stood still but the current didnt move alternating direct and sidelong hammering nails into it too left for purification at the hands of time sent upon the moment by the settling into comfortable living and lead into the fraying coat of lessening warmth protected by the promise of desirability and the fading gasoline taxed by uncertainty and wishes nothing anymore but some things still under the table undressed and mouths gaping dancing on the table cloth the moth bent its wings and melted into the wax of the candelabra fizzling as it plopped into gooey ashes wretched returns on its ambitions cymbals crashed leaned to the right and descended towards the hidden clouds paint a picture of it if you really cant stand it and so he took it leaned in past the frame and played with it till it came into his sight brightness cactus caucus blocked this instance from recurring but cured the wreath which was hanged and nailed as well dotted red with compliments of the chef hand shake and smile will only get you so far and like the ass beguiled stripes ran vertically before making a sharp ninety degree angular turn to the direction closest to the door opening because the door was pilfered in the last raid and no points were awarded blueness for a moment triumphed and fatigue sought its revenge planned portraits pointed westwards too get a move dont open your eyes or put that foot in front of that foot in front of the twilight in front of that foot seeds grew into meat harvested for the scent bottled and divided among the investors extravagantly pockets closed and drowning in sand bottled and pellets smelted benignly dipped in pewter and fused with cardiac arrest silver lining wasnt pure tested and passed fluoride levels ninety nine point nine percent but wheres the ghost