Saturday, July 23, 2011

granite janice

the baker takes dates baked in bass hates the way the sunlight plays on his eyelids dust at dawn white lungs bake in heat and moisture atypical of this time of the year spreading slicing pricing his body piecemeal for meals made of corn and wheat germ torn from the berry held its stalk high in the wind bent like steel golden too but that wasnt his job just took and hooked the paste ground down into a powder pounded like lathe and foaming at the pout dripped sex from whiskers teased mixers mixed with liquors dipped in his fur the oven smelled nice popped like corn dropped like stone topped and born of fire born of wood born of earth lichens likened him to god lay in birth perpetual open womb river flows and pulled forth the desert dosing in the haze lizards lay alike and so they die perplexed at null whole holes filled with their naught at this nautilus not just his bit and spit pricked and preyed played with it till he pulled away pinpoint and concentrate restraint berate and degrade c grade be great a grate lay in the way pulled by seventeen mouths biting each bar chomping at the bit and eating the curds way below the city pinstripes of light lit black tubes covered in air and holding soot seventeen mounts played top but couldnt keep up couldnt creep shut the dumptruck backed into the back lot half locked and half stopped buns spilled forth and trapped got the goat coated in candy left in distress and pressing harder


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