Thursday, July 14, 2011

charcoal drippings

the traveler awakens baked into a slice of seventeen pies piled on top of each the dancer the tailor and the whale steps through the title screen into plain view vestigial and unable to comprehend the cohesion adherent to the other side steps a sliding scale slide ruled into infinity rolled into a jelly roll donut full cup of coffee cold cut milk sucked through a straw pouring chocolate into the bottom of a glass clear as a glass steering fast into lanes oncoming off putting shirked and restless itching wheels scratched on asphalt tarmac concrete bars sat still of gold glint thinner tinnier tinier finely purring placed his head in the lap of his cat vibrations tickled both their whiskers cheeky deviled legs sawed off brush handles scrapped the backside of a snare drum hair dumbed down and to the side rack of lamb tandem sand sun samsung sizzling under the grill fat drips like water steam turns the faucet off thematic canned static trickle dagger tickles the trigger stiffer still the traveler reappears pears in hand mostly water soddered to the nail arent free to go to the dancer sitting down but covered in trees white keys in the key in the lock slowly filling with mostly water hot hot leaves and a razor too dull to complete its function the slaves slave crossroads and no road signs signals intentions dust in his eye makes him blink four times in succession railroads leave no tracks the dancer stood up in the caboose touched both walls and was held up by the stairs to the stars starting out on this journey it seemed simple enough hidden behind incidentalism flushed clean and sprinkled with salt lye and spice left to dry and hanged behind the carnival tried to take the tricycle by the hasty barnacle clam shell felled trees float logs soggy boards four by four marched into two boats the size of the world and it broke the black keys filled with mostly air strung notes with mostly caring hands the size OF the world dipped in blue and swaddled in cotton


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