Tuesday, June 2, 2009

{jiggle my nickels! ill tickle your sickle!}

waiting on the eve of the day to look outside and fade away into sunlight scared of day: sacred playgrounds hideaway 
long trip, once slipped, more than that but only tipped, soon ripped, glisten sip, squeam and squirm and firmly grip
consume, your womb, swipe the nightly entrance june, denied still i try to open up my bitter eyes
why write why fight, its all the same night after night, out play, out say, outside, you stay away
emote, demote, we wrote, rewrote, we wrought, i sought, lets play, i  fought
oh yes, i guess, we tried, our best, we made our nest, thats when you left
no words, just move, dont feel, dont use, dont make me say what i wont do

now that thats out of my system wipe the page and let me glisten dazzle you with glittery words that sparkle, darker, HARK! Yer Gold! In fox, in trot in plots of dots connected by a sailboat lock, intergallactic, radioactive, plastic coated waxy masked men! take me bake me into fast wins planted in the planets sad winds winding grinding losing siding sighting on the british ivy, break a bat to boast a boot, and lose your lab to let it loose, but slip it neatly into noose, and nose your nuts into caboose! kits and kindles leaking lentils, rush more beets to quentin hindle, break a promise than resend youll make your way with nothing mend all!



Story time! Little boys and girls! so sit on your stools and let down your curls! we want to make Marry tell Mike about Bikes that get stolen by dykes who get pulled in the night!
So Marry told Bobby, told Rachel, told Sue, who told Steven, and Jerry, And his brother Lou, but noone told Mike and the dykes stole his bike so he went off to England and got him a pike and a pied pipers pipe but they ate out of lemons that they flew on kites, and into the breeze blew the words that hed write about the magical story of Unicorn Ike:
Ike the unicorn knew hed sooner scorn tykes who uniformly told him the way
that Ike as a Unicorn would much like a tuna corn wrapped in a piece of horn key lime soufflé
Ike got ripe and grabbed the knife and hid it deep in Simons eyes not once not twice but twenty nine ice 
cold scabs could be grown inside of each slice
woe is me cried the miser tree! 
Woah look at me! cried the slide with glee
Simon could cry but died to flee
the crime committed against manity
but hu was on break so the sea cows came late 
to the rape of the great ike who sat on a plate
why oh why oh why oh why 
didnt the planters pretend they grew pie
were the last words cried by the unicorn ike
these were the words that mike declared right
in the eyes of the masterful mistress of night



deny! deny! the self thy prize!
the price is high but the payment is right!
and instead of depending on ending in bed
put instead on your head a piece of white bread!!
pour it all out and than live without
i cannot pretend that i like what i felt
when i poured  it all out
and with letters i SHOUT
but whats it about i say whats it ABOUT!!!



  1. good thing i dont pretend to write songs

  2. i'm not sure i buy poor ike the unicorn stabbing someone/thing :(

    and i have 2 favorite lines but i'll skip quoting them.

  3. lol its okay, alex already yelled at me about this one

  4. oh please, his last one was about whores for goodness sake. lol

    i'm simply saying, i'm rather partial to mythical creatures and don't think they'd stab anyone.

  5. haha

    not all mythical creatures are good, there are some evil ones, and some good ones who get driven to the edge and snap....ike was just a poor reject of society :(

  6. unicorns are the most magical mythical creatures. ike apparently went astray. you're spending too much time with alex and he's turned you jaded ;)

  7. perhaps jaded perhaps sapphired certainly rubied and never diamoned

  8. tell that to the boys buying me things!

  9. i meant alex but i can tell them. they needa be buying you bigass diamonds.
