Friday, May 29, 2009

{Junipers sooner your lunar clipped tubular}

OVER the walrus it just got raw this urbanite sprawl kiss floating on straw mist playing with fall gliss floating through breeze on an clementine jaw hit couldnt keep all his concepts in mall bits standing in line with a present day brawl tip took out of context couldnt keep convexed concaved the rest and crest was in time flex but jesting with rest and the test of the best was the standing abreast to the crest of the CREST!!!

INTO a girrafe it couldnt help to laugh at the staff on my raft as i floated adraft into seas of receipts with recpient treats treating me treating he treated to it by the and the key to success was unlocked in a door and padlocked by more than a saddened decour that was sure to become the most dorable door that did dorn micheal tore at the thorn of the corn and with pricks he was plucked and the crows that did suck from the wounded would wound while wound round a tomb into rooms where the bloom was decided to groom for the groom didnt plan to dip in so SOON!

AT my coyote it pleasantly drove me afar on the gold sea and seeing how boldly the road that it sold me was kept inside two trees that werent even hoping for timberlakes scolding or scalding by maudling and medling in nesting but cresting on destiny deserted desperately tested in vests into secretive pressed white teas left inside your disease pulled too hard left to squeeze invited chests by these unopened deputys dropped out of desert trees plopped on to your left knee dropped on your socks i said yes please yes PLEASE!!!!

AWAY with a dolphin that waddled at golfing with fin he began to descend into balding and eagles were calling long distance from spalding that ruffled a waffle and wept at a LOGGING!!



  1. i hope this isnt the first time your realizing that these are weird...

  2. yay! eric is back and we got to play at the zoo :D
