Monday, May 11, 2009


the gerbil  devoured a sandwhich of which ant bitch ate off and which canned fish planned this to sand tips and land ticks what the band rips and when we land it like we handed offten ranted seldom scanted took the plant in sheltered cran which man made manwich manish man wish whats in a man that isnt a man and who is the man who held out his hands who planted his trance who ate of the dance and lapped of the prance that the prince fade into lance and joust and cat o nine held out mine into the mine shaft stonewalls next but never the new emporer we always knew of her she was the queen who never ruled and who couldnt pool the people into the pull of gravity who had it all but smashed it mad at me and didnt want what she had had and he hadnt waited longer than raggedy and the goddamn plan went out of whack and we had to throw it back into the trash that passed and wafts into the breeze where the sleeze of the air devours the showers of hours and hurdles hate backwards into its stream up until the present is backwashed with the last lofts of historys planned rennovations we always go back to the plan goddamn but what happened to the plan oh man!!!!
why would a fellow want a girl like her? a girl whos merely lovely!!!
why the fuck would you even once concour to continue singing songs that have past into the past and past the expiration date red hatred scathed dead and played feds for the narcs but couldnt BARK THE LARK!!!
no meaning and no consense but census yes and seizure yes and coruption yes and maybe no but we still dont know where to go where where where do i go and i cocentrically loop like a record that records the wrecks of words that stream through my arms and dont stop before my brain or after my finger tips until i smash the letters back into my brain to try and drain the constraining containment of consciousness that we dont want to let free but left it dead and fleed and we were freed of our deeds that we plead to heed to some higher power than our own so we stand on our heads and look into a mirror and are confronted with ourself confronting the postulate from opposing angles and cancel ourselves out and we strain to be brought back into existance but fail at failing and end up derailling this goddamn train of thought that paid to get out at the plot of land that we still have not defined the plan the plan yes the goddamn fucking plan!!!
what of this plan said the man who cant perform and the actors smiled at him and defiled him with words of action and the poets thought of him and defiled him with actions of words and the man looked behind him and saw the image of you disapearing into the mirror and clearer and clearer than clearasil made by desaturating your face with a peel away effect stood proudly errect and declared to the world that he was rid of the weakness that grew without him and within his chin grew a grin and a smile but still he was defiled and deflated and the woman who had waited had died of boredom and scored some valium before she rallied them into her mouth and out of her south came the north that he craved and when he reached nanook he found out that he had the goddamn plan the whole goddamn time but too bad because he got eaten by an orca who planted orchids for orchistras and what the hell does any of it mean he cried and than he died because of the convienance of rhyme and slime grew over him and he became permafrost and all was lost into the grey disgust that is city snow and now you know the story of the man who existed to exist in my story and his quarry that he left the the quails who quarrel with quasars and pulsar pigeons  who put their pick in stuck the stick in lucked with linked in  but still have stinkin parcels partnered with their ankles and plumit quickly into the sand where their packages become peaceful with the afterlife and the pigeons get stepped on by the children who played in the box and all the kids like sue and jill and jack and sam get together the pieces of the pigeon and they piece together the plan oh yes the plan! the goddamn fucking pigeon plan that nanook gave to the pigeons before he became devoured by a carnivorus idol of freedom that flew and inside of the gastronomy we find the last want of the man who had the plan all along and his wishes were that the fishes take over the plan but we canned the damned fish in the first line of this and again fall into the trap of cyclical creation and devestated the epoch that was squandered from craigslist to do the dishes goddamn it do the dishes do the 


1 comment:

  1. the title is rather deceitful because it doesn't smell like apple juice at all and really you seem kind of angry .. grr.

    i do wonder what it'd be like to stand on my head a look into a mirror though. maybe i won't see my head. cuz you don't usually pay attention to your feet when you look in the mirror. jeez. now this is gonna bother me so i'll try it and let you know. :P
