Saturday, May 9, 2009

>E2P1< (IAMTHEWRITERBITCH) [AKA] {The main character becomes sentient}

FLASH FLASH SPIN SPIN SPIN than perhaps a flash again? 
eyes open eyes closed cameras on ready to roll out roll in spin spin spin spin flash of genius? flash in the plan? flashes before the fashion is planned and paved and put in place by pretense pretending it previews the pace but fast and steady will always win the race but if he gets to the end before my writers make their choices what will his voice be? will he move towards me? shelves can always be just starting of worries but winter will dwindle the hearth and the farthings apartheid from parts of the art held by something inside shelves and always the green shelves the blue shelves the red and the seen shelves are the known shelves but what about the ones behind the wall? we shall write them away as the writers make their choices for we are the writers whos choices are choice and decisions decide and the boisterous boy who will boast while he hosts the internets posts are the the posts of the ghosts of the girls who had curls but than ironed them straight straighter straightish mail dont call me reference is lost on me and my whale put pails in the pile and behind words we can hide and behind hides we have sights that are fixed in the distance of vast difference and past inference because we MUST SEE WHO PREVAILS ON THE OTHER SIDE! caps lock is okay but he refers to himself in the third person as the first person he sees by the last person to be in the space out of space in the basement is raced by the attic and neither will win because the front door is the only one that can move and it swings ahead to a stunning victory over the shutters who can only run sideways and their blinds will be drawn and painted and sculpted and detoured through the mist of the falling water that escalades and brings ice fades and melts with days in the sun that opens eyes and f stop up change the film stock while eyes are shut edit during sleep play back in words but change the identity unless you stay there long enough than you shall know and haha oh he knows by now he must know but what does he know he surely must know! or is that a question? that is the question! and a smiley face is always appropriate when you know something for knowledge contains the promise of ignorance which we are told is blissful but dismissful of actuallity and causality depend on allity but what is the alli to do ity bity to bite me but if you just see through the cameras can you see what the show will look like in the end? can you hear the soundtrack can you smell the filters that burn when you inhale and can you taste them as they fail? and isnt failure sweet when ends meet and the cycle begins again? can it began? or has it? or will it? the vowel changes everything so a i u whats it to you can you change time with a vowel? for the writers can and these are the choices that we have to make and we shall make them! and where we shall place you is placed in a word and that world is your world and the world is contained in the borders of a page so regardless that it is missing a door, the door is not important not important any more that it won the race not important that it contains a face not important that it is out of place for the door was destroyed to make way for the page and from its chips we made the pulp that made the page and from the ashes we made the ink and that barrier that could swing became a vehicle that you could drive in or be driven in through my words and my words would wake and break the door that still stood but since there is no page there is only light where did the wood go? where did the ink go? the words still exist for you can see them and you are reading them but they have not been written for there is no where to write only space to type but to type and to write are two different things and what does each mean? do they both create words? what is a word can you touch it and taste it for i have tasted the letters in alphabet soup and have eaten that 26 sided die that controls your life but peer deeper inside behind the light and you will see the bright is controlled by sight and the sight that sees is important to read to interpret so the light that is a word is sight that is heard by your eyes from inside of a box from a top of your lap or your desk and a lot of information is contained within that soup that is a sound that surrounds with our without a head phone or a face phone or an ear phone or an eye phone or a sky phone that can talk to the clouds that cover and the clouds that weather and the clouds that cleverly clear the cliffs of endeavors of the soul who was sulking in a skull by the gully and when fully aware of his tears he would tear the paper upon which he had written with words the letters of old to the readers of new and wrapped them in glass and dropped them into a whole that would later fall apart like the parts of the glass that contained the parts of the letter that contained parts of the words that contained parts of the letters that  contained parts of the lines that contained parts of the ink that contained charred parts of the door that was ripped apart when we sealed you in this worlds and gave you those eyes so that you could see and gave you those ears so you could breathe and you can appreciate where weve been for our beans were not lean but fatty and green like the stalk of the bean that jack took up jean when she was asleep and could no longer breathe for she had no ears and no arms to fight back with and her mouth was full so she could not scream as she was engulfed by the gulf and bay took her away and away she sailed tell the whale with his pale came back from the pile and smiled and smiled and smiled and smiled.



  1. i wonder what this could possibly be about...

  2. Alex by Eric. Yay!

    ps. love the title

    pps. i thought you wanted him to get tested first?

  3. its okay it was in the past, i was young and stupid than...
