Friday, May 1, 2009

{skim it off the top but top it off a lot}

napalms nectar mistletoes miscariage missed the carraige to misses sarahs sarah said her toes were red and didnt want to wet them
flour the corn deflower your horn power is born when showers are storms and when sores are not sour and jowls are not foul but the fairgrounds howl at the dawn of the moon
minuet mini tete plate of scepter cape is festered laced with resperation flighty sanctions werent invasions simply gradients
black to white from left to right and right at sight we left the night and took the day and stole the way that we took back to sodom's play
hope you have a happy ending hope  the story wasnt gory tori tormented cory with percible's new jaw
jaw bone telephone picked up one on the way home 
dropped it off at aunties shop and paid me for my troubles
me me me me all about me always just me broke my troubled shattered dusty frontal running protrude scuff me 
hear the sine and hear the wave but cosign for my doctors slave in and out without a doubt a play on time for once in his life
intertwixt and intertwined and enter twix with cookies tied to chocolate and the caramel ice cream caramel right scenes scare odell but not when he has fare to sail on boats and coats will run with tails 
hickory dickory fickory dock we did that already so smoked with a clock the hickory wood was out numbered by flames and the parting part pardoned the party today
in a shameful play for fame the crocodile ate his only mane for which he saved a scathing raid on tigers temples twisted tang



  1. i remember this one, too! less than half a year to catch up! hurry

  2. obv i miss the meanings of these sometimes :P.
    this one just has a fairy tale sound/feel to it. (and there's FOOD! :)

  3. a new post better be nothing short of EPIC!

  4. I've got nothing for you Alex....

  5. Oh and Hayley this one has no meaning, so dont worry...

  6. eric .. that's not nice. haha they all mean something. but i'm going back to picking out a line and commenting about how wonderful it is so i don't seem so lame. ;)

    seriously though. at the risk of sounding ridiculous, i like reading your blogs because there is something very comforting in having words flowing around you. sometimes you pick up and meaning or two and sometimes its just the sound or feel of them running into each other. <3

  7. well it can mean something without having a meaning!

    if my words were paintings sometimes theyd be like a dali,
    where theyre and abstraction of ideas and thoughts and othertimes theyre more like a rothko
    where its all about the abstract exploration of what different words do when theyre next to each other and how they interact in the space of an entry
    and sometimes im just drunk when i write like in the one after this one...

  8. that dahli painting is amazing. the other link didn't work right but i'll look up rothko.

    i like all of them regardless of your state of soberness :)
