Tuesday, April 28, 2009

(emotionsthatrushinwhenyoufindyourfriendinyourboyfriend) [AKA] {ouch ouch ouch ouch the couch the bed the heart the mouth...}

treachery deceit, discreetful deceit, displacement deceased entanglement with me injection with he interning with trees and plowing disease and placing in me what i placed into thee but knowing what he is inside of with thee with i watch upon the watchtowers believed to have bled its heart into the sea and washed out salted baltimore me and replaced in its place a piece of the three that remain down below and in heaven it snows so soft and so white and its awkward at night when you witness the fight and then flight is the instinct that takes down your mind and your body goes down and four floors you go down and the sounds in your mind and the sounds from your mouth are both soon drowned out by the drowning of drought and the doubt starts to grow and it slowly will toll and will tax and it smacks you in the face for its lack of a statement and great men will be beaten while the weak will still grow and ever closer to the end when we know and can look back and laugh like we did in the streets when we were awake when we should be asleep and the words we said then are unknown but to win them back we must plan our attack the assault begins when the deed began but we want no war and you play with your whore while i slam the door: in my mind: not this time. this time is extremely like we said before when we tried to close the door and you cried over freshmen while i lead you back to his den which was your den and just then when i couldnt open up the door and i knocked ever softly incase you didnt answer and answer you didnt because of the insect that was biting you down and strapping you up and throwing you down and slurping you up and sticking it in and feeling you up and looking me down and sizing me up and you listened so closely but from so far away and ever i question your motives that day and the book for the cook what was its place and the days i was away just made it easy but the days i am back now you will lack the thing that is me but in my place he will place his piece inside for free he charges no fee soon will move on and still youll lack me and wouldnt you see that the night isnt dark when we drive without speed and deep inside art we know were apart and years before gears will start taking a part of me apart ap art taught me nothing that i couldnt teach to myself and we know we must dwell to drill into our souls and mine black gold from my blackened heart and profit on our pity of ourselves for the riches are never ending when you own the wells and the refineries but finer then me was the shortstack and three eggs scrambled while the syrup soaked up the butter and he cut her waffles with watchful eyes and she wouldnt deny and it was all extremely fine for the fork in the knife and the spoon could not lie and so it fled and fell off the table and the metaphor wrapped itself in upon itself and repeated itself inside of itself and soon the shelf couldnt be held up by words alone because the words were to heavy and the cupboard grew weary of the repetition that was within and without a doubt it gave itself out and fell flat about the remains of its southern regions that soon would heave again and ill see you later is what it said and only the triangle would laugh for it was the most sturdy structure in nature but when it is inverted and isosceles it is extremely volatile and will start its trial internally for the interns that we sent to the trees were soon made to see that only growth could become of deceit and only souls would loose their comfy cushions against the heart and soon the thrusts would be pushed into the plushness of the flesh that came quicker then the bread that took days to make and an hour to bake and so thus the conversation said

hello are you in there
this is awkward
ill see you later



  1. i love waffles but i've been able to cut my own for some years now :D

  2. good just dont steal anyone elses waffles because thats not nice

  3. haha. i like how i just re-read this and realized i commented on a blog about treachery and deceit with something about the flippin' waffles. go me! i must of been hungry.

    anyway, i did re-read this today and like the line "in heaven it snows so soft and so white" .. lovely imagery.

  4. lol this one is about boyfriends cheating on you with your friends and walking in on them doing the nasty....
    but waffles are pretty good too ;)

  5. hahaha .. marry me please? :)

  6. mkay but youll have to come to baltimore to make that happen.

  7. the day after i'm as cool as you, i'll be there :D
