Wednesday, April 22, 2009

(SHAMEONYOUCALIFORNIA!!!!!!!} [AKA] {hummingbirds may lose the plot but looser are the words ive got...}

once upon a time i had a dream i had a vision then out came the scene and all i had were some revisions but the livin that is givin to the pigeon holed in kansas was the frigid boulder rigid like the colder mouths of tandems and the plots we lost were the plots we sold but the pot we got were the pots we growed and the knots we fought were the nots untold and the trouble we sought was the lot that we owned 
once upon a time i had a flight i took for fancy and the train that took it home wasnt fast and wasnt glancey but you glanced upon it sat down in it start to fidgit then your rigid like the boulder growing older from the verse that this took over start to stand still start to look out start to beat down eating free doubt doubt your debting date of dears and start to steal your truffled tears
that is when i saw the corridor looking like a poor and tired whore who had handed me a cold sword telling me to jump up on board telling me to start the engines telling me to set the sails yelling me to look into her failing me with warnings ahead
open up your silly eyes and see the ides of march 
compose your compost composite your host and hold on to the hope youve lost
change will come and change is spent on chicken dinners and paying rent but what youve got left burnt inside of your pocket is the memories tried against the tests the sands of time the beaches stretching through the finest places space is warped by time is warped by space is placed in place
not now though i dont want to i can make you you cant make me i can make he he will just see he will taste me and how it be
or is it really because the cousin in indiana doesnt do dopamine hannah lost her state moved to montana ate with joe who doesnt know so hey he listened but did he hear me pressed his ear up to the chimney scraped the soot and took the limits me my foot is jammed with jelly jill she ate the whey mc flurry didnt take the pressed ricotta ground the coffee for her soda buttoned up the formal sofa late to class but only sorta couldnt walk and so they rolled her now shes lost inside a blue dome painted green onsides of freedom planted free from freedom for them by them took them from them by them voted lost and ruled by fear from eight little monkeys not unclear but look into the props that weve won look behind the props that theyve sung soon youll loose your loosely formed son whos rights were just there but not won we can beat the sounds of our drums with the beating hearts of our fun take your sagging brain and your tongue tied together with your own thumbs now youve sunk into the kingdom animalia that is all young grow up soon and take our waste from us for thus forth we are pushed on by our drives and death it will come stroke it harder first so i cum clean it up and maybe your gun pointed up will fall up to the only powers that are ruled by pushing buttons just with our thumb make it brighter so the bombs jump out of our skin into submarines of fancy hats and caped rungs building ladders chains and planes of hopes and dreams and minor things that majorly will take our brains cause they have felt the ripping steel from stolen seal and harbor eel love logging out and blogging in them only then will we taste freedom only then will we taste freedom



  1. omgosh! we're so effin close!
    ps. i remember our fb debate. you better come see my bitchass on friday.

  2. i love the word fidgit. say it fast three times. fidgit .. fidgit .. fidgit :D but i must ask why we're shaming california? was it evil in some way?

  3. sometimes dates are very important in these...
