Wednesday, April 8, 2009

{whip whop flip flop drip drop skip hop!}

sit atop a little cot and think about the day 
but even though you start to grow 
you still must cut the hay

and when its cut 
its just your luck
you have run out of hay

but hey
its hay
and hay
is hay
and hey
its hay

so start to grow another field with something that isnt hay
like hats or cats or ceiling wax 
or some will run away

different syntax different style differnt lengths to run the mile but different times in milestones thymes for heart of chokes is a heart of rhymes.
and a heart of dimes is hard at times when hardly hearts have hardened rhinds and rhindstones shine when rising signs reflect the light off dying mines where gemstones grow and start to harvest and havent heard of open forest and trees are chopped and turned to logs and hogs are dropped on top of logs and cooked so slow so tender juicy and served atop a plate of blue steel and steel forks  will pierce their meat and silver pork is what theyll eat and pigs grow fat on others waste and we grow fat on pigs on plate but the pigs wear hats from others waists and waiting lats is where we phase.

phase in phase out phase atop of pigs snout

snout snout snout it all out

start to shout
drown it out
play it out
skin the cat
eat the fat
and slay the rat
play the bat
but hold the mat
for falling hard
is not what that
is all about
so start to shout
and shoot it out
but never pout

a collection of poems by a collective of knowns a deceptive of moans by the tepid of gnomes the skeptical ohms will never come home and the prodigal roams are the plains that we own and owning is silly especially if billy is the type of your goat and you start to gloat and inside of the goat you will find its throat and the throat is the throttle for the sharks in the puddle and the puddle is probably portable not indeed likely to find a deed to upset minorities fighting the glory fiends of heaven sent pouring cleats cleaner than seaters of readers set on the deeds but deeds are done and done are forks inside of porks which we already ate so clean your plate and pretend your fate is decided by great er powers than you 
and move onto the stew!



  1. are gnomes tepid? kinda sad :/

    but i like this one :D

  2. didnt you gnome all knows are tepid! what a silly question the rest is decrepit!

  3. i've had time to ponder this tepid gnome question and decided they aren't. they're hot :D

  4. lol the range of gnome temperatures is quite delightful and not at all frightful
