Friday, April 17, 2009

{Nippley nipples are ripples of fun}

n i p p l e s yes lots of sex nipple sex with the rest of the pests who ate the chest out of my breast the beast is best when ridden fast and you cant sleep within the sacks of tax and pax and sado mass but take a class in getting past the rising tide of milky rats and feel the gas that leads the raspy voices past the asking bass who took my ass and tried to grasp the meat and has oh yes he has and he will grasp and let his feast take over masks and rip off sheets and open casts and it takes weeks and may be fast but over feats will we be cast into the pits of dieing lasts and can we see the trying tabs of those who still are piling crabs and s

nip tuck nipples suck just my luck ill never fuck ill never play and inside me there is a way and in that way there is a day a dawn a gay old time to play out on the lawn a stay inside a place thats hiding from the world outsides colliding insides hiding inside siding spider piling finger flicking flying high and flying solo once upon a midnight oboe least of all the written grotto wasnt open for the bozo or the booze oh where are yous and where are mes and just like me and we shall see and when we pee we plee for glee and justice isnt suffice foreclosed office stoop to rob us ate the walrus hate the call dust fate is all us wait for 

my nipples yes my nipples start to sipple then you suckle they are supple fight the knuckle they are fickle fight the sickle they will rupture oh the puncture oh the function oh consumption start the munchin grasp the luncheon ate the munchkin ate your punch then hate the bunch and break the bumps and lumps and humps of someones thumps are rapid jumps into the funk of once i bumped into a trunk I crashed a stump into a steak I ate the meat that was my plate my plate came once and I came late and twice I placed and faced the rake and faked the rape that ate the snake but ate the snake that raped the plate and played the game that players play and said the games that lovers say and helped myself into the day the dawn the lawn the nimble fawn the best the rest fell on my chest my lovely chest my lovely breast it fell abreast the left my chest and left my chest for the rest of my nest and nested neatly into the seemingly sinking feeling leaving me behind in my behind and started to grind and ate the rinds and rang the times and all the time it crossed my mind it crossed my kind of leaping mind that kept on right to the night and nicely neatly filled me completely filled me sweetly felt it briefly tasted meat and tasted me and tasted places sacred tasteless scented wasted placement graced it grazed it phased it taste it TASTE IT! Tasted flesh and how you craved it craved my taste and now you bake it mix it save it savor flavors of my craving crave her never need her never see her now you seem hurt now you gleam your favorite humor haven’t heeded nor succeeded now you’re conquered cant concede and cant contain your yearnings earnings cravings blazing human glazings manly bastings pull a few strings then your through things pull a few things then you lose things mostly new things now they’re true things place in me your sorry blue things place in me your lovely pink things pink brings blue brings new brings screw things grew things ate things played things hate things love things these things my things my thighs my lips my eyes my taste my place my date youre late your wait it makes me wait it makes me take me take you take us take lust take busts take pest take from my breasts into my hip and start to skip but take a dip oh take a nickel start to rip so we can quickly quibble little and touch my nipple suck my nipple fuck my nipple and just be simple just be cymbals ringing while your bringing all the pleasure to these strange things licking flicking taking take me take me take me wont you make me lose my grace and in its place wont you place that moistened place upon my face and then well place our hands upon our chasing out our facing in our placing with our pacing to our braced against our breathing heaving heavy wetly bet me besting best in you and testing resting then were through!



  1. yes yes.
    at first i giggled a little.
    then all i could think was woah.
    so that's what i said .. but good woah.
    i'm elogquent, huh?

  2. i was at MICA when you wrote this.
    yessss we're getting closer to present day!

  3. haha yes we are!
    and im glad it was a good woah!
    everyone should love their nipples!
