Friday, October 15, 2010


He looked into the air and he said Write and in that moment the pen touched the page and the ink bled and the head that pounded hammered out words WORDS WORDS green words plentiful and planted by the seed sapling seedling suckling the Earth the mother fighting through the pain punishing the placement protruding and peeking at the peek steeple teeth of steel stolen and golden reflecting smiles fueled by cruel intentions the pause came and graced the tasting plentiful still stiller than cave air rotting in bubbles in the ground ballooning into the soil bursting through time piercing arrows scarecrows rare throws into the wilderness into gilded trusts built with husks and stored in tusks fluffed and rushed into the container tracing the rim with a single fingertip tipping the brim with anticipation rain touching rain and dancing trained onto trains straining drowning flailing in heat the moment passed and useless but used waiting and unreturned gracing fervent torrents tracing back to my eye still seeing by sight lightness and tridents canonized around rallies ALWAYS Dancing like notes and letters and songs made of letters and notes and written always as the intention sitting in silence surrounded by emptiness and touching your arm blindly daring to look into the burnt light but burning and feel its black heat inhaling the smoke to tickle my lungs pressure building in my head my heart watched in quiet discontent continuing its apathy rolling in the flour and awaiting its intention smelling like the flower selling like a towering tower set on the sky trampling clouds with glass setting concrete into stone circular the yellow beast beats against the ground and the men laugh and she waits for her stitches to cauterize set in diamond like a moth missing anything that was lost and hearing only the softness of a voice crying from the herd placed in pastures presenting natural nature at a premium screening the future digitally in dimensions missed and understood made of wood and clay and sand hardened like ice standing on the bottom of a boulder slowly collapsing and still dancing yes Dancing held out his hand and put it on my waist NO My Shoulder shouldnt remember shaved and flavored and especially flawed denting the hole left in the wall by throwing stones like cards and playing till the deck is full and the house is underwater and dried up drifting on the cloud and rising to the guillotine getting greener still less red less gravestones less terrain and transformation transported scantily clad in iron bouncing gravity generated and repulsed by the sight slightly appalled at the whole and wall waiting WHy Not and indeed it wasnt rest assured and peace guaranteed pieces of chocolate broke melted and sun drenched tossing water and continuity constantly crisping and risking rights striving forward for rights cupped in the bowl bowels descend and still aversion but goddamn I want to dance and my limes reflect it enviously sinfully a plenty store in reserve and steam escapes as rain couldnt build a big enough net to catch it all couldnt build a big enough castle to store all the sand in and instead landed on the island that I am anchored to the base camp and already at the peak unable to speak as the sky forces air into my lungs and lunging against it all my chest uncollapses and recreates the poison to myself building up in place of the sky the sky poison princely and pathetic praised by rhinestones running rampant crammed by timezones into a trance tracing with two fingers on opposite ends and two lips on top and the tasting was secondary and the pain wasnt aware but there in an instant pleasure flared for an instant insistent sextant and september still glowing and poked by a stick combusting leaves leaving skeletons burning like cinnamon and Dancing desperately alive with the last seconds of life desperately fighting without placing sentimentality into the equation and empathic to the core skewed and rude as a ruse rustled at the fray frayed at the fringes fringed at the middle and middled at the end ended at the destruction and created by lust in the first place inspired by a racing current petrol fueled sound crashing down on top of the bottom who wanted to smile and DANCE!


Tuesday, October 5, 2010

danced upon the transient stamps

the  bubble never popped at its center only the outside where the film was stretched beyond  the point of elasticity where the membrane was drained of stability where the crane was lifted above the shameless gratification of itself standing erect seven hundred feet above the building waiting to fall forestalling tension resentment and contention coping without probing but nestling the rest of the best things inside of the inside centered where it was warm outside the firmness gripped back basking in the dethroning throwing out the milkmans spout pouring out the grocers trout and calling in for reinforcements porcelain shins baked in the sun traced by the thumb protruding into the gummy coating pulling out filthy and hurting relating to the situation but related to the causation reflecting the fault at its rightful owner buried deeper and more hollow than the map had predicted stuck a pin into the wind and went where it lifted straining necks training wrecks and playing sex as a game winning rounds of defeat waiting to eat from the hand or the arm or the shoulder but stopping before consuming the rib waiting to live and letting the center give back itself to the outside shouts eyes and pupils rulers and groups of jeweled jewelers schooled schoolers and these fingers pressing against the mass waiting for feedback lacking and waiting for feedback.


Saturday, October 2, 2010

thingsthatneedtoberead [AKA] {RESPONSETOSHORTBUS}

Retreating into our eyes to stare at the sky as the weight of our idols collapse in upon ourselves and we leave the room standing but alone for the shelves full of baggage placed in pace with the beating of our hearts starting the conversation but elating the revelation towards elation and predating the situation profound and renovated replaced a stake into the ground holding the tent up and sheltering us from clouds crumbling and tumbling towards the ground doing forward rolls here into the steering wheel peering venirs and stealing chairs sitting on stairs and staring into tears in paper hearts bearing all the shares of latent hearts breaching all the fears of bracing hearts and retreating into eyes to stare at the sky but without the retreat and plenty of defeat sitting in the gutter of the stuttering pair on par with the recent scar left by the tar that healed into a road and the bar that breached into a rodeo fit complete with clowns and all the rides that left the reckless dead and the cleverest in the head and we move onto the latest development and we agitate and radicate the complacencey left in place by the racing bleeding of the greatest heading and headways and headwinds raced into the opening left by the void when it voided its vowels into the wind and was left stuttering with nothing but constanants left rampant trampleing the rancid meat of the language that they tried to defend with nothing but shapes that lost their shape and in haste were basted and casted and plastared and drenched with beer doused with pumpkins and spices and rice was considered for an alternative to gluten but the thrust was misplaced in the flux and the message was  lost when it was thought too long and the real point of the spear was placed into the belly of the beast reached when it greased its lungs with its voiding blood fluid and soot from the lungs attatched to the singularity with which it prasied itself and raised itself above that number just to see itself collapse under the weight of zero round and rolling falling into the hole prodding into the known and dwelling on the phone or the zone of penetration felt for days after the heat of the sun had evaporated all the moisture from the ground still putrid and smelling of use tainted by the invassion of persuassion and pressure forming diamonds pursed with the package and rehearsed into placticity recited with rappidity replacing the conjugation with the emotion and output not equaling the input the result was a sloppy sentance misplaced and penciled into the moment ment to mean much more then it ment perhaps in place of the place it was performed in but most likely it was lost to the length of the loss and the messenger was a mess and blessed with the gift of resentment and instability leaning onto the tower that she visited in the city at least by proxy pretty pristine and prominent but undesired by the modern or at least the contemporary or at least in the moment though betrayed by desire before abandoned by neglect and randomized by sections of festering in the heart or the brain indistinguishable by the night or the light or the pint and the darkness that covered the flame that covered the drop were all motivations of desire and he picked up on their intent but not their excuse or was it their reason and not their use or was it just use and from the juiced came the juice and the orange was not the same but the tongs were unreinged and chinqotigue unchained like misty and brighty and all of the lot and the sameness was  a lot and the jails smelled hot and the pails felt rot and the quails bent not and the rails went south and south i went and down i felt and sounding didnt quite make the impression i hoped it would but sonar was found in the nearest bar and the party was afar but the starting was anear and the always was always a beer even though the contempt was felt and the liquor was desired and quicker was always more efficient and cheaper in the long run running was never a strong suit unless it was a sprint and the sprints were only neccessary if there was an audience and the intent was once again lost but the hint of the spirits were tossed and tossed and tossed like the bossed employee that waited too long to let the emotions flow like the river that left eye wanted to say and what im trying to say is too leading so i miss you and instead look at the eye the eye the eye inside always rhymes so i leave it aside and in the aside i leave it a snide remark reminiscing on the  recent developments and of course itunes with its humor and telepathy would put on this song and so the lyrics that read ONE TWO THREE FOUR HAHAHAHA LEAVE JUST AS YOU CAME and only one person perhaps knows the significance but since i capsed it from the past he must realize that in my stupor i superimposed his presencc on my present and the pretext was perferated and easy to tear like the paper heart like the linx like the links that chain us to desire to prison to the heart and all the while i havent said what i came here to say dwarfed by pluralism when the goal was singularity snuffed by sunsets when the role was singularity strength and the intent of the desired who lost its luster diminishing and lacking behind a cover hugging a pillow untouched as the willow un brushed as the rudder unstreamed as the recent development developing in only one mind but two bodies and three mouths mounted onto a tripod for easy access and passed as the one mistake that lead to the uncovering of the ruins of babylon and tapped onto the keg that was passed along as the mast that kong climed upon and chimed upon from the top of the world that "all was near and the near was dear especially when the near didnt care and the care was out of fear " putting in its place the racing hearts again the hearts  straight from the hearths and raking the bread out of the oven crusting over on the stones heated to heats glowing heats red hot white hot clear hot glowing heats that could not be felt only seen and never seen only known and the wind up was blow over the owner of the homes that could not be visited nor frequented only driven to from afar five hundered times or less by a factor of ten but multiplied by a factor of many driven by the heart or the hard but driven non the less and replaced by the staying and non traveling rocks that turn their faces towards the eastern shore and ride towards the west always going from where youve been to where you came from and when you come out your still in the same place that you came to but the most important thing is that you came and occasionaly i will come too even though im the only one visable to me and viable to the scene placed in the dark and the translucency of prancing myself onto the stage the arena the feeble lightning striking the pricing of the sight that i see in the dark when i beg for the light the exposure the revealing the seeing that leads to feeling and when feeling becomes cold and frigid and the lid is  blissful but the distant bits fold into pillows biting the siding of the riding cowboys aluminum and bitter canned panned and harvested of value divulged and craving wine looking in the mirrior in your eyes that i cannot see and that is when the creep crept and the seep sept and the oct started and thats where we parted but the parts were joined in act and in passing again were passed but were at the lowest quality that the manufacturer produces and leaving the store while the wallet is content the product is wanting and the want leaves from the haunting of the future
the taunting of the future
the saunter of the future
the raw things of the future
that comes only in the past
but projects sideways
and places itself in hideaways
razors blades and knives say
that tomorrow is today
and laissez faire plays
fair with days
and staying
and playing
but playing
and nothing got said
so really


Saturday, August 7, 2010

{making molassess molten}

enter the ether creeping through piles of shame left over commissions and crimson roses being crimson bothered by their essence and petrified by the sight of each other peering into the mirror and absorbing the light until the only glow remaining reduced to senility and sterilized the glass so that the dew could condense in the heat or its absence retaining its original purpose reported by its original owner and returned to reason with reckless reckoning recalling reality and filing it under fruitless futility with a purpose portrayed by poison and desired by recession as the cavernous cavern caved upwards surrounding the air with rock and raping the stone with flesh until the passage inflated with insipid inspiration bubbling upward through the dirt and popping into the realm of life sweltering in the sun squeezed by the atmosphere drawn by gravity back to the core under pretense of preminition racing in circles around the circle crating barrels in crates dusting racks with dust rusting hearts with lust burned blood red and painted onto the incision to heal the scar and scald the sensitivity such that the surrounding meat would not spoil or rationalize to the pointed tip of an idea spearheaded through a tongue and launched by the lungs with no intended destination but destructive consequences upon impact regardless of the hint towards compassion aggressively betrayed while plastered around paris and sitting on a button vibrating with vice decompressing until the silence could no longer ring in the air and escaped the prison of thought fluttered through the vaccum and landed daintily upon a bed of noise.


Sunday, July 25, 2010

{the willow weeps the kitten sleeps}

enter the walrus ending the tall tusk the water has only begun to adjust to its intimate sunset evaporate from it turning its depths into shallow and half wet bodies of water and bodies of sun battling bodies to battle the one thing lacking attacking in record of having have had it had not it been better to have but the wetter was bad and the dryer has pads paved in pavement paid in patience but always quite glad to part with the part for the heart of the matter was only the cart filled with mangos filled with rain blown away from the pond leaving mud to harden to crack to garden until lush and tempted with greens mending it seems is actually unattained without rain without plant without seed but yet to be seen while the ant in verse is free today the day to come is days away when the walrus plays again in the sun without mud in its way.


Saturday, July 24, 2010

{instinctual extinction}

inching sideways on  a plane perpendicular to my perception and parallel to my cognizance complacency creeps in from above answering only to the antithesis of the situation subtleties sound and abstain from their agony in favor of favors and parties and participants revelries abound and enter pleas of not guilty until it pleases the court while courting the judge and coercing the plaintiff into consent vested in its blindness and stricken with light while struck with gravity and struck with its gravity and struck with the gravity until stuck and maddeningly the menace manages to maintain its message maturing in nutrient rich soil until blossoms bloom and perfume the garden the scent tinted air laced with oxygen and poisoned with good intentions left unmentioned until menstruated from the brain in the form of sterile saline solutions cleansed from its own fluids in its own liquids left to drown drawing in the surrounding moisture until it coated the lungs drips through the liver removing the toxins and is again excreted through cycles of biological metaphor porous in their transparency and sordid in their sobriety still reaching for the throttle


Monday, July 19, 2010

{Into the thought dropped the rock rippling ripples till ripples dropped}

dancing on the edge of a moonbeam a particle of darkness drifted into soothing rays of comfort reflected off of a cold dead piece of our past that was once our body and into the slipping streams of gravity and sympathy plummiting towards our own inhibitions and stopped by our own futility destroyed with our own retention of our own ability to end our own ends and make meet our own two feet on the fluids of time and soaking up to  our eyeballs we blink and get washed over through our ocular intake valves overload our sensory sensations and slip out of the current into the simultaneity of all moments that have been and never could be until the instant that the insistence of ineptitude fell flat in comparison to the elongation of elevation excited by the mere existence of an entity who was not entangled until entwined and like twine wrapped and tightly together wound with what desired to be and desired what was in its wholeness and with precision and empathy touched slightly below the target but above and across the bar dripping wet and soaked too. 

drawn across the page like the ink with no pen pooling in public display and treating the whiteness as yet to be conquered to turn the page on the story witness to the entirety and estranged by the one thing that implanted its seed for the first time and had yet to grow strong enough to withstand the wind for the first time longer the the length of the branches that seeped from the seed growth had found itself rampant and the crop was culled and pulled back into the ground as feed for the future distributed and undisturbed by the hardest part of the harvest. 

deafness struck the diamond with a touch of delight sparkling at its sound splicing lightning into prisms from the ground and sparking fire from the frosty air frightening itself in duplicate and desecrating the dirt under its pretension into presenting its strained sanity through the gauntlet and pressing its prefabricated facets into the ashes marring its image in its own image and refracting that concept internally until it bleeds dust sharpened by a sieve and concentrated to the power of three and cleaned by the sap from the tree that used to be before the clouds split dropped the hammer into the flames of the furnace hardened to the point of brittlity and touched by the power to obliterate into particles to set adrift into the darkness.


Thursday, July 1, 2010

{The Inclination}

two dots smeared on a drop sunk into the top and starting to rot plip plop skip hop skull tock crick crock moving at slow straying from stop flailing in tow of the rising tides globs of sand disappearing under tan blowing in the granules listening to the panning jewels vibrations span the pool and land in hands that brandish tools powered by the plug ensued in suit of branding tongues with tooth
and into the red bled black with swirls streaming from the crack in the color ominous odor fighting with stubble scrapping the muzzle and grinning through troubles tainted by subtle supposition rendered in fat and fattened by fate strangled in safety and pinned against the rail screaming and breaking until the flesh deprived itself of breath until the breath described itself with wet until the wet would weep into flesh seep into sex and excrete itself red
but the hands held the tools
chased by the chasing chain inserted in locks metal scrapes tasted of day antagonized by the rusting sail freedom smelled of lasting impressions and scars healed black with an aftertaste that tasted of crimson tasting lilac
and still pushed forward the backward motion pulling itself behind out of the sky and into the darkness shattering stars with sickness gripping stiffness diamonds cutting diamonds cutting rhinestones cutting themselves down to sizable slices served with cider and ice dripping enticing signs of the second hand in the charcoal smeared across the char and healing
and dealing with the situation at hand

Monday, April 12, 2010

{feed from the trough}

constrained by the time inside of a plane constrained by a cube the dew dipped deeply into the well of contemplation deeper than the night underneath the stars that stared back into the soul of the eyes of the passing by sideline trying to dine on wine waiting for entertainment to enter its life look at it rise it flirts with its maker and denys itself the satisfaction of satiating itself with itself wimpering at whispers when wits end and twist into a paradoxed padlock placed in praise strained through the collander of corrianer contrary the the quiet ambergris grits and griddles face the fiddle but fight with honor in the situation that you back yourself into out of fear and retreat with pious dignity through the marshlands of sandy beached whales covered in regrets at the past and poachers peddling eggs in a basket looking towards the notice on the satchel scratching the alter altering the faults of the feeble minded.
design by nature by nurturing the pain that panics sanitary sadism bartered and traded in emotions that fleet and fail in the stretches of time elapsed over the hourglass of the heart inverted and dipped in silver quicker than its opposite copied it and return to the urn to fill its particles with meaning to keep the time away from the man who would own it and hide it into slavery castrating liberty with a golden gong ringing of freedom but singing of destituiton entrapped in its own rhetoric cased in its own head its sick with doctoring its own boundaries elasticity of the founding key wrung from wreathes of stale dreams into buckets stuck to their own feet walking on eternity and dragging behind shattered screams.
placed beside the grove the orange roamed in but slammed the door to the canteen door to the box candleabra tasting of userors and studious crimson barons taking railways by storm and designating trails for lore and present baiting fiction to the corn with hints of evening burried inbetween the binding dusted on the alluminum and forged into the river bed pillow and sock coating feet till they burn into soft dust windtorn by doubt.
the direction was lost and without substantial differences implimented the compass returned to its original direction the imminent was upon the dawn and the needle swords would soon pierce the sun but it was to be expected when the distance between the moon and neptune was halved by having a path  to follow and the formula was discovered and the novelty wore off.


Wednesday, February 17, 2010

{intrinsically intertwined} [AKA] (memoriesfromlastnight)

in the aftermath the addition was subtracted from the scented bathing of bodies in each others other. the moistness of flesh with the hardness of flesh with the strength of flesh on its softness. sticking skin on skin cemented humans mortared by their own heat in the wasteland frozen and melting on one side only. bound by cloth obligation and desire to stroke the fire wasting none nor tongues to permeate the elasticity of man. supple supplied sounds of spirit and the spirits on breath were spirited into soul by passage of the throat threatening to take the taste away so sinking teeth like ships into the morsel of opposition resistance and retreat ending in brutal defeat and the conquered took their prisoners with a smile and a sigh signifying the silent screams bottled up and shaken till the bottles begin breaking. stillness in the night. the field flowers where flourished power. wasting. wondering at the intent. the breach. the begining. the scent, always the scent. masked in musk heaved and huffed and breathed in lust. tempting trust. still inclined bathed in light arms inside of arms around torsos connected to shoulders running legs on legs and the valley filled by blood filled blood. nestled and dissolving.


Sunday, February 14, 2010

{apatheticattempt} [AKA] (contemplatingcapoteanddeathbyhanging)

and from the creation the only thing he lacked was a character and in linking words with his tongue he was able to start a sentence in the middle and take a stance on where words stood without betraying their location or intent. the glass on the edge of the window looked like the glass that kissed his forehead and collected the steam from his lungs tainted by passage through his mouth and he tasted still the stillness of his cell. through the light the air shone and rang into his ears like a metaphor that needed no completion and in breaking every rule he broke the silence that betrayed his intention and located his thoughts. outward outward he always looked outward. inward his innards were inert and inept. and the blood crept. from his heart to his extremities pooling around the exit where they burst free from their cage contained in the body that was bought and brought with the air the deepness of red that would fade to brown and soak the air with its presence. and as he laid. it is okay to began a thought out of nowhere but to end it in the same. he would step off the train at the same time and the same place as the instant he became a passenger. and he always shot the messenger. to kill. denial was not something that could be put on tried and judged like the show with jurors in tow paveing the law for future infractions. but only pieces. and he pictured him in his place. and he became the place he wanted most feared interests compounded daily into a single number that would calculate a single act. the most eager door would never be opened but pinned down with a direction it bisects insurrection leading down a path too dangerous for most to follow. and they all fall down. hounded like hounds. with the exclamation mark implied. what a difference a single vowel makes. inhalation caused the condensation to dissipate until he again voided the void in his chest blessed by oxygen stressed by excitement. deeper deeper he felt. wrapped in a quilt. the innumerable muscles required to blink drew upon the syrup spilled to take in that element consumed in the void. and he wondered at the finality of it all. and the continuation after his departure. a friend in the room would ease the pain for the instant and increase the crease on the plane of the continuation after his departure. but it was never flat before hand. and out of the valleys created by the folding mountains grew in inverse and inverted themselves when the plane nosedived the perpendicular. and off their peaks walked feet. falling in the direction that gravity intended to resist. and the kiss on the forehead became a hug on the neck but heaping on the acceleration the condensation condensed its concentration. pooling no longer on the plane of glass that looked like glass it now descended skin that tastes like skin and marinated in its own wastes the salt crept back into darkness. the thrust comes now. a desperate attempt at tying together all of it was in the timing. with a hand of a sailor. knots were not desired but slipped and slided into the insight offered by a falling man. embracing until the crack. of dawn. and a single dot made the consideration fall upon the break. but drained now. and pale. cut loose until the thud. a second fall a second wind. but he could not see either. only felt the moisture. and the warmth of the earth.


Sunday, February 7, 2010

{i donated rocks and toads}

no vacant lots exist on the path to the novacaine indulgence noted on the last of the token shelter rodents behold us its untold that the story told itself that the wrapping yarn has felled a tree much taller than i undeniably sighing sinking seizing as the forest trees were seeing and reaching into retreat from the recent week of sinks out of the kitchen the ditch in the rich mans back was a hitch for the pitching of a tent for the farce and out of the larks we invented the dark that was draped onto cars and baked into czars raked from our yards and dazed without tars placed in the hardened rented and scared fence laced without paceing the cardinal heart key cant we be starting the newest branch scarf tree into the park for a bench with a bent seat eat eat eat the seal and seal the sealant with a seal and an ant we cant be handled but you grasp us anyways and the only way to be holding trays of steel is with intent to betray so we ran away and tanned the sleigh and pulled our dogs out of the mush into the bush and raised voices without a clear end in the corner of our mind so we let it trail on down the trail we were on and out we let our thought outlet and pluged in the voltage we wrangled and prided ourselves on while we entangled our thoughts in the one fatal watt and our son was soon snowed into plots unto done


Friday, February 5, 2010


the restless night sounds sleep reside in hidden light lit from the side the back and forth a pendulum swings and as he sings we think he dreams but in his dreams are darkened rooms and in his bloom is sweeping fumes and the swell that rose from the well was imposed on the rose that froze in its well worn stove and baked the pie thrice twice mine in the shape of a heart insecured to the banister when the canister was banished for the menace that the six pence couldnt resend no matter how many times he hit the button and no matter how many times he hit the floor he got up and rose a little higher until the glider that was imagined on to his arms became realistic in its depiction of the action of falling scalding and dissolving resolutions that rang in the ranks of the roof tin stuck in the proof bin and gnawed by the truth sin against the grain of the agents that hate sends into the raked gents and the raped hints that lead to the answer but you couldnt dance her half way to the moon!
and in answer to the question you never imagined the newer model wants for the lack of a starter and egging inside of the nest egg beside her was once stuck inside her and lactated iron directly into the bloodstream until the body turned poison against its own blood and indeed the flood came and solidified stumps of the limbs that remained became sturdier and stronger and lost their limberness and lividity which lived through me until my final breath which was penultimate in retrospect but a bit more potent than the fleeting craft which sailed last out of the harbor on the way to the sideshow where the inventors could peer at it and leer at it and out of their jowls their jaws betrayed themselves and the whelks were whelped with the help of the felt that was spun from the fiber of the stem of the brain and christened in painfully spirited rain until it hit the northern shore of south helpless and the strain on the grains that were planted were restless like the sleeper of the freer of the slaves of our predictions and were layed upon layers of our rotting hot perdition and shoveled into trucks that were driven onto tracks that lead onto rails that were trained to not come back and loads became boats and boats became births in our mothers greatest womb of the worlds nature flute which is played only on days of resentment for our treatment at the hands of our gods who were entered into entries about crimson coated rods and with our sceptors raised high we glanced up to the sky in answer to the questions we never asked to try in a court of law of heart and hardened the castle came tumbling and dumped out its plumbing and the prettiest castle had the shittiest pipes scraped clean by the flys who grew bored of dead eyes and would bore into sites just to lay out their fifes and join into the chorus of the wind marching song and would play right along just to hear their entrance falling and the enticing part of all this was the lack of milk in august when the ranches opened harvest and the ranters sent the farthest of their ideas into the sphere that was straddled and graced with a jeering steering in the right direction and lacking erection the building crumbled from time and disuse rather than the destructive fate that was envisioned by the destroyer who was never mentioned because his opponent had a monopoly on both reason and raisons but great things came from grain before less was made for same and both are offered gaining profits lasting in a chain strung from the start to stringing cars and stinging hardly hurt the scars so we added acid after acrid left and at the ancient axe blade ate our last tray gave about face left the planet placed in ash trays