Friday, May 29, 2009

{Junipers sooner your lunar clipped tubular}

OVER the walrus it just got raw this urbanite sprawl kiss floating on straw mist playing with fall gliss floating through breeze on an clementine jaw hit couldnt keep all his concepts in mall bits standing in line with a present day brawl tip took out of context couldnt keep convexed concaved the rest and crest was in time flex but jesting with rest and the test of the best was the standing abreast to the crest of the CREST!!!

INTO a girrafe it couldnt help to laugh at the staff on my raft as i floated adraft into seas of receipts with recpient treats treating me treating he treated to it by the and the key to success was unlocked in a door and padlocked by more than a saddened decour that was sure to become the most dorable door that did dorn micheal tore at the thorn of the corn and with pricks he was plucked and the crows that did suck from the wounded would wound while wound round a tomb into rooms where the bloom was decided to groom for the groom didnt plan to dip in so SOON!

AT my coyote it pleasantly drove me afar on the gold sea and seeing how boldly the road that it sold me was kept inside two trees that werent even hoping for timberlakes scolding or scalding by maudling and medling in nesting but cresting on destiny deserted desperately tested in vests into secretive pressed white teas left inside your disease pulled too hard left to squeeze invited chests by these unopened deputys dropped out of desert trees plopped on to your left knee dropped on your socks i said yes please yes PLEASE!!!!

AWAY with a dolphin that waddled at golfing with fin he began to descend into balding and eagles were calling long distance from spalding that ruffled a waffle and wept at a LOGGING!!


Monday, May 11, 2009


the gerbil  devoured a sandwhich of which ant bitch ate off and which canned fish planned this to sand tips and land ticks what the band rips and when we land it like we handed offten ranted seldom scanted took the plant in sheltered cran which man made manwich manish man wish whats in a man that isnt a man and who is the man who held out his hands who planted his trance who ate of the dance and lapped of the prance that the prince fade into lance and joust and cat o nine held out mine into the mine shaft stonewalls next but never the new emporer we always knew of her she was the queen who never ruled and who couldnt pool the people into the pull of gravity who had it all but smashed it mad at me and didnt want what she had had and he hadnt waited longer than raggedy and the goddamn plan went out of whack and we had to throw it back into the trash that passed and wafts into the breeze where the sleeze of the air devours the showers of hours and hurdles hate backwards into its stream up until the present is backwashed with the last lofts of historys planned rennovations we always go back to the plan goddamn but what happened to the plan oh man!!!!
why would a fellow want a girl like her? a girl whos merely lovely!!!
why the fuck would you even once concour to continue singing songs that have past into the past and past the expiration date red hatred scathed dead and played feds for the narcs but couldnt BARK THE LARK!!!
no meaning and no consense but census yes and seizure yes and coruption yes and maybe no but we still dont know where to go where where where do i go and i cocentrically loop like a record that records the wrecks of words that stream through my arms and dont stop before my brain or after my finger tips until i smash the letters back into my brain to try and drain the constraining containment of consciousness that we dont want to let free but left it dead and fleed and we were freed of our deeds that we plead to heed to some higher power than our own so we stand on our heads and look into a mirror and are confronted with ourself confronting the postulate from opposing angles and cancel ourselves out and we strain to be brought back into existance but fail at failing and end up derailling this goddamn train of thought that paid to get out at the plot of land that we still have not defined the plan the plan yes the goddamn fucking plan!!!
what of this plan said the man who cant perform and the actors smiled at him and defiled him with words of action and the poets thought of him and defiled him with actions of words and the man looked behind him and saw the image of you disapearing into the mirror and clearer and clearer than clearasil made by desaturating your face with a peel away effect stood proudly errect and declared to the world that he was rid of the weakness that grew without him and within his chin grew a grin and a smile but still he was defiled and deflated and the woman who had waited had died of boredom and scored some valium before she rallied them into her mouth and out of her south came the north that he craved and when he reached nanook he found out that he had the goddamn plan the whole goddamn time but too bad because he got eaten by an orca who planted orchids for orchistras and what the hell does any of it mean he cried and than he died because of the convienance of rhyme and slime grew over him and he became permafrost and all was lost into the grey disgust that is city snow and now you know the story of the man who existed to exist in my story and his quarry that he left the the quails who quarrel with quasars and pulsar pigeons  who put their pick in stuck the stick in lucked with linked in  but still have stinkin parcels partnered with their ankles and plumit quickly into the sand where their packages become peaceful with the afterlife and the pigeons get stepped on by the children who played in the box and all the kids like sue and jill and jack and sam get together the pieces of the pigeon and they piece together the plan oh yes the plan! the goddamn fucking pigeon plan that nanook gave to the pigeons before he became devoured by a carnivorus idol of freedom that flew and inside of the gastronomy we find the last want of the man who had the plan all along and his wishes were that the fishes take over the plan but we canned the damned fish in the first line of this and again fall into the trap of cyclical creation and devestated the epoch that was squandered from craigslist to do the dishes goddamn it do the dishes do the 


{ these count for today but only because im tired..}

 One's upon a tie, my two was three fork hindsight i five rhymed right

together my eyes are opening and closing like muddled masts. i will be forced to cut them down in time.
fictional subconscious seeps through into a shakily vivid sphere. i confuse its field with actuality.
distinctive and familiar, feign faces speak in twisted tongues. there are no words, just harbored lips.
the limbs i carry cannot take flight as i uncontrollably sail above. winds can only take me so far. 
defeated or victorious, i look up to my only destination. the sky falls below, taking my trust with it.
i cannot tell what is a dream or a distant memory. i cannot be judged without a name.

- Aelnaxedr MuCdrcy?

Blogger WritersChoices said...

But I can sentence you without shame and place in you my blame! and a name to your game is the name you have slain you have maimed you have tamed and displayed as your personal pet but were better off yet with the letters still wet from the internal pen dipped in your soul that pees black that glees at all of that that you leave in that sack of a body of bones that contain meat that reaps meaning for me from the tissues for issues of the disuse of kiss you cannot, miss you, cannot wish you but will this do? yes will this do! yes will this do!!


Sunday, May 10, 2009

>Waxing?< {a gift of words}

Black! Black! The sky is black! Crescent, dots, window plots, open heart and open plane for open eyes to open gaze on circle dots moon plots moon dots moon hots shot caught shot. not. please me. please me. pick me. please me trick me freeze me nothing less than melt me felt me yes the sun sleeps when I shelter do not moon waves when nights start fade when lights grow haze when haze grows haste when haste breaks hope when hope is lost by lost crossed lost not lost here lost times lost is LOSTXLOST! and drawn across the hand that holds the pen that grasps the hope that gasps but where did it go and where did it get to why is it lost and does it have friends who hope that its heart is heavy with health who rebuild all the shelves that deter from the shells that shelters will dwell when the dread lies ahead of your pillow in bed and your head is consumed by the sounds of your room and the sights without lights and the shades of the night when we shake not from fright but from possibilities inside of ourselves from the shelf that is our self that the H is before I but after I is J and after me is who? and after you? that too? can we contain? can we restrain? can we refrain? can we abstain? can we be trained! and in training is straining of the mind or the soul the desirable hole to enter below before we shall blow before we shall know before we can go where we go when we know we are known and in knowing are we showing? what were showing isnt growing but it is rowing and it is flowing and the flow that has fled from my head to my bed is it best to be bettered by butter or batter or to bat her with a saturday that is saturated with sadness and hate or to sit back and wait to hear the delay but never the presence? the resonance is recent and is combined with a line from a much older rhyme a rhyme about rhyme that we rhyme with a rhyme for the sake of its self is the sell that we failed, but if you teach me i will have been taught and if you learn me I will have been learned and in learning we are all turned into the one thing that we all yearn and is it knowledge or bliss for itself? can we decide which desire to shelve? can we divide ourselves from the shelves? for the shelves are just storage for things we can't sell and the sill of the window is dirty as well but not as a well oh well oh well well well we were well before we fell ill and doubted our health for the heathens have happened upon their own hell and have opened the doorway from heaven to yell what they followed with their falling from the places they dwell and the cabs that they hailed were nailed to untell of the stories of hail they hailed from above from the heavens where hail was below the suds of the soap that the burped from clouds filled with love and sent rounds off the sounds of the clouded undones in doing what wasnt what wasnt it dumb what wasnt it young wont wouldnt it come back to wonderful want and wondering what it wouldnt wait wasnt the worst way to while the day for a day for a dollar for a dollop for a doll drop for a pall bared by bears in garb of others wrought hard wouldnt ought to think yards of miles of inches between the belted loop orien waxed wanting to be in the heavans in the stars in the dark in the night out of sight but in sight when alone for miles for darkness that seperates is darkness that reveals and darkened was the end of the spaces concealed and cornered and quivering stars that would quiver in dark and quit when the lark would swallow the dark and the black black black night was not night not right not night full of sight seeing in sight but what was sought in the sight was thought lost in the light? where did the night  go how does the moon know white moon right moon black night nice night rich night night night black black black black night black black black black black sky blackend black by!


Saturday, May 9, 2009

>E2P1< (IAMTHEWRITERBITCH) [AKA] {The main character becomes sentient}

FLASH FLASH SPIN SPIN SPIN than perhaps a flash again? 
eyes open eyes closed cameras on ready to roll out roll in spin spin spin spin flash of genius? flash in the plan? flashes before the fashion is planned and paved and put in place by pretense pretending it previews the pace but fast and steady will always win the race but if he gets to the end before my writers make their choices what will his voice be? will he move towards me? shelves can always be just starting of worries but winter will dwindle the hearth and the farthings apartheid from parts of the art held by something inside shelves and always the green shelves the blue shelves the red and the seen shelves are the known shelves but what about the ones behind the wall? we shall write them away as the writers make their choices for we are the writers whos choices are choice and decisions decide and the boisterous boy who will boast while he hosts the internets posts are the the posts of the ghosts of the girls who had curls but than ironed them straight straighter straightish mail dont call me reference is lost on me and my whale put pails in the pile and behind words we can hide and behind hides we have sights that are fixed in the distance of vast difference and past inference because we MUST SEE WHO PREVAILS ON THE OTHER SIDE! caps lock is okay but he refers to himself in the third person as the first person he sees by the last person to be in the space out of space in the basement is raced by the attic and neither will win because the front door is the only one that can move and it swings ahead to a stunning victory over the shutters who can only run sideways and their blinds will be drawn and painted and sculpted and detoured through the mist of the falling water that escalades and brings ice fades and melts with days in the sun that opens eyes and f stop up change the film stock while eyes are shut edit during sleep play back in words but change the identity unless you stay there long enough than you shall know and haha oh he knows by now he must know but what does he know he surely must know! or is that a question? that is the question! and a smiley face is always appropriate when you know something for knowledge contains the promise of ignorance which we are told is blissful but dismissful of actuallity and causality depend on allity but what is the alli to do ity bity to bite me but if you just see through the cameras can you see what the show will look like in the end? can you hear the soundtrack can you smell the filters that burn when you inhale and can you taste them as they fail? and isnt failure sweet when ends meet and the cycle begins again? can it began? or has it? or will it? the vowel changes everything so a i u whats it to you can you change time with a vowel? for the writers can and these are the choices that we have to make and we shall make them! and where we shall place you is placed in a word and that world is your world and the world is contained in the borders of a page so regardless that it is missing a door, the door is not important not important any more that it won the race not important that it contains a face not important that it is out of place for the door was destroyed to make way for the page and from its chips we made the pulp that made the page and from the ashes we made the ink and that barrier that could swing became a vehicle that you could drive in or be driven in through my words and my words would wake and break the door that still stood but since there is no page there is only light where did the wood go? where did the ink go? the words still exist for you can see them and you are reading them but they have not been written for there is no where to write only space to type but to type and to write are two different things and what does each mean? do they both create words? what is a word can you touch it and taste it for i have tasted the letters in alphabet soup and have eaten that 26 sided die that controls your life but peer deeper inside behind the light and you will see the bright is controlled by sight and the sight that sees is important to read to interpret so the light that is a word is sight that is heard by your eyes from inside of a box from a top of your lap or your desk and a lot of information is contained within that soup that is a sound that surrounds with our without a head phone or a face phone or an ear phone or an eye phone or a sky phone that can talk to the clouds that cover and the clouds that weather and the clouds that cleverly clear the cliffs of endeavors of the soul who was sulking in a skull by the gully and when fully aware of his tears he would tear the paper upon which he had written with words the letters of old to the readers of new and wrapped them in glass and dropped them into a whole that would later fall apart like the parts of the glass that contained the parts of the letter that contained parts of the words that contained parts of the letters that  contained parts of the lines that contained parts of the ink that contained charred parts of the door that was ripped apart when we sealed you in this worlds and gave you those eyes so that you could see and gave you those ears so you could breathe and you can appreciate where weve been for our beans were not lean but fatty and green like the stalk of the bean that jack took up jean when she was asleep and could no longer breathe for she had no ears and no arms to fight back with and her mouth was full so she could not scream as she was engulfed by the gulf and bay took her away and away she sailed tell the whale with his pale came back from the pile and smiled and smiled and smiled and smiled.


Friday, May 8, 2009

{Valet(ntines) Day}

A hand on the small of
the back, a light touch
that none sees but him,
and her, and me, a guitar
a boy a girl
All these things are in front
of me.

Today I offered my seat
on the metro to an 
elderly lady. This afternoon
my copy of Jack Kerouacs's
On the road was stolen.
What I had gained in 
(   ) friendship I have
lost in literatrure. the 
exchange seems fair to 

A liter of sprite, 2 large
fries, a butterfingersbar
these things I have bought.
Later this afternoon
these things I have made

The Valet Parker
Runs like lives will be
    at stake
It's for three dollars

The guitar goes into
the case. The Case
goes On the floor.
The arm goes around
the shoulder.
They do not leave 
the Train.

The girls dress alike.
From behind they look
the saMe. They are
back twins.

A girl sits behind me
and now beside me.
She has not moved.
Occasionally she snaps.
Somebody dabbed
butter all along the 
top of the parking
garage and now I can

A Bentley zooms past me
at the light.
My Hyundai could take him


Wednesday, May 6, 2009

(monetarymeltdown) [AKA] {beat beat on the drum beat beat tell i come}

once upon a moonlight glory sun told star shine quite a story full of anger hate and rage contained constrained and dipped with sage and rolled in butter and fried all up the sun took up a slimy cup a cup of warmth and tears of joy that tasted salty like a toy a toy for boys is not for yois
i dont know i dont know i dont know cried the three headed crow
cut off a head it still isnt dead!
ABCD what do these words mean to me?
inSIDE outPIED deLIED soldified
once upon a stardust backdrop cupid died and on his back flopped 
would you like a cup of tea?
brewed from oranges and deciet?
or would you like a while instead?
whats in its hile is quiet dread!
and in the dread is something red!
something made of cotton fed, rotting headed, jotting bedded, nodding said it wasnt risen for the roses dozen of them counted moses on the mountain made of snow his piss was yellow only frozen once but twice was under trodden trident tried to rent the center for the purpose of dissention strewn through hems to rim the golden only otters take their tokens for the bus of busted ropes and buster better bus the togas towards the tables tossed in tarter tasting trails of toucan totters tates of late will clean the plate of rusted rakes and busted fakes who bussed the rust and rested the rest while the rest went out and festered and smelt of smut and of smoot and they ate what they took but what took what they take wasnt taken abate and the rectified nanas went abso bananas for regans most banaly bentwardly raisins
a raisin is a reason of a raised son to make treason on the meaning of the scene in which the reason rest on reason!
grease the gaffle grease the gun plug it up but just for fun take out all the nuts and bolts replace them with your dreams and hopes and tighten quite the holds and steady ready for the shaken teddy who rapes the grapes who all seem petty to the wines of older levy
levy levi levitate hold the leaves and shake the rake and stamp your feet if you feel so inclined as long as once you are not mine...


Monday, May 4, 2009


hot mess got stress all the rest i must confess is festering and jestering and pestering to get pets but pets became the pests we crave and in their name we gave their pledge except the rain that drowned my hedge inside the brain that found my leg 
chop it off on the block put it on a chimney rock sink into the ocean brown and watch the seaweed watch you drown 
put it in a hair tie put your head in to a rare tie stroke a silky smooth guy while waiting on the french fry
hot potato save for later get your self a selfless hater 
put him in a wooden box atop a spot of pointed knocks
knock on wood and wood will knock on you on top of pointy socks
while someone points with pointed cocks the top will block the sacred box
but open up and step inside umbrellas for the widowed bride whos window we shut open wide with stones of bridges always cried
we crossed the bridge we spent a ridge for cliffs of id my ego waited superbly my new herb squeeze will play out three of stirred them please
we play a game we ate the same thing we ate each on yesterday while chester waits for lesters game of gayful gleaming gains
hot mess play a game of chess play it on my chest while were looking for my breasts 
my breasts are ripe when theyre in sight but sightly seems to sink in deep
so what visit my hut stay in a rut while i gut you
i wont hold it on you but against me with you stuck inside me
once we ate glee while you spit food at the brown tree that died nightly from the tide
windows close on open doors which close on lawns of green 
so fertalize while inside dies to kill the outdoor just some more
hot heat a/c turns me on when it gets cold so i warm it up and savor the cusp of realitys rating raked leaves
hammer head hammered bed calls my name but never finds me deep sleep canned meat cant eat the rinds
rising sun get a gun shoot a head and skillful meds


Sunday, May 3, 2009

(alcoholpluswritingequalsfail) [AKA] {why why why why apple pie makes me sigh}

cannot try to eat the pie for slices slice me six ways slimy climbing higher rising faster than the filling cabinets finding lost inside the folder holder man killer manilla vancouver stand hoover suck screwed yer next pluto just food for fodder thought lots is locked behind the brain cant access without a pass thats good and unconstrained not tonight took a flight fell to fast flapped so hard took the bottle smashed too hard its over 


Friday, May 1, 2009

{skim it off the top but top it off a lot}

napalms nectar mistletoes miscariage missed the carraige to misses sarahs sarah said her toes were red and didnt want to wet them
flour the corn deflower your horn power is born when showers are storms and when sores are not sour and jowls are not foul but the fairgrounds howl at the dawn of the moon
minuet mini tete plate of scepter cape is festered laced with resperation flighty sanctions werent invasions simply gradients
black to white from left to right and right at sight we left the night and took the day and stole the way that we took back to sodom's play
hope you have a happy ending hope  the story wasnt gory tori tormented cory with percible's new jaw
jaw bone telephone picked up one on the way home 
dropped it off at aunties shop and paid me for my troubles
me me me me all about me always just me broke my troubled shattered dusty frontal running protrude scuff me 
hear the sine and hear the wave but cosign for my doctors slave in and out without a doubt a play on time for once in his life
intertwixt and intertwined and enter twix with cookies tied to chocolate and the caramel ice cream caramel right scenes scare odell but not when he has fare to sail on boats and coats will run with tails 
hickory dickory fickory dock we did that already so smoked with a clock the hickory wood was out numbered by flames and the parting part pardoned the party today
in a shameful play for fame the crocodile ate his only mane for which he saved a scathing raid on tigers temples twisted tang